There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Monday November 1, 1915
Salt Lake City, Utah - Roy J. Horton, Local I. W. W. President Shot Down in Street
Fellow Worker Roy Joseph Horton, President of the I. W. W. Local 69 in Salt Lake City was murdered by a gunthug on a downtown street shortly after midnight yesterday, October 31st.
The Nevada State Journal gave the following account:
SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 31.-Major H. H. Myton, a former deputy sheriff, shot and killed Roy Horton, said to be an I. W. W. leader following a dispute on west Second street south, shortly after midnight. Horton, it is said, attacked Myton and knocked him down, when Myton drew an automatic pistol from his pocket and fired three shots into Horton's body. It is said that the dispute started over the Hillstrom case.
A source from Salt Lake City provides a very different story:
Fellow Worker Horton, 29, was talking with friends in front of a downtown bar just after midnight on October 31st when he asserted, "Any man who would pack a star is a dirty-----." This remark was overheard by Major Howell P. Myton, old gunfighter and lawman, who then confronted Horton, "What do you mean by those insinuations?"
"That is meant for you or any other ----- who will wear a star," Horton replied. Whereupon Myton pulled out his gun, stated "I'll kill you for that," and fired three shots at Horton. Two of the shots hit Horton as he staggered away with his back to Myton.
Fellow Worker Roy Horton died there on the sidewalk. Myton was soon thereafter arrested and taken to jail.
Nevada State Journal
(Reno, Nevada)
-Oct 31, 1915
The Man Who Never Died: The Life, Times, and Legacy
of Joe Hill, American Labor Icon
-by William M. Adler
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, Aug 30, 2011
Find A Grave: for full name and age of Horton.
IWW Logo on Local 69 banner,
Deseret Evening News, Aug 13, 1913
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