Welcome to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works for the 110th Congress; this "week in review" diary is part of the Daily Kos Congressional Committees Project.
Welcome to the "week in review" diary for the House Committee on Natural Resources for the 110th Congress; this diary is part of the Daily Kos Congressional Committees Project.
On October 1, the EPA will close its headquarters library to everyone, while having no plan to offer the hundreds of thousands of unique documents and books to anyone in the near future. The Democrats have now entered the fight -- Bart Gordon (TN), Henry Waxman (CA) and John Dingell (MI) are asking the GAO to investigate. Read More
The reporter is Bruce Selcraig -- a former investigative reporter with Sports Illustrated magazine and the New York Times. Read More
Leave Poor Dubya Alone? Yeah, Right Read More
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