#kt2 -- Kossacks Tweet Too! Welcome to diary number 15 in our periodic series.
Our goal is to amplify Kossack voices by making it very easy to follow each other on Twitter, sharing and promoting the best of Daily Kos and news from everywhere with each other and, using hashtag cross pollination, with other parts of the progressive twitterverse. Just add #kt2 (and/or #dkos -- see below) to your tweets. Combine our hashtag with the tags for your favorite progressive groups, like #uniteblue, #p2 and #ConnectTheLeft. Then, easily find tweets by your fellow Kossacks on Twitter by searching for tweets with #kt2 or #dkos. Easy!
If you're not yet on Twitter and have no idea what it means to follow someone or be followed on Twitter, or what hashtags are, but would like to add a powerful and popular tool to your blogging experience, then simply go to twitter.com and sign up as a new user. You'll need to pick a Twitter name, which can be (but certainly does not have to be) the same as your DKos name. Twitter provides extensive tutorials and online help at the Twitter Help Center.
If you're not yet following everyone here, it's really easy to follow any of us on The List -- just click on the follow @... link of anyone you'd like to follow.
Or, if you have a fast internet connection, you may also click here for the permanent button list diary, where, if you're logged into your Twitter account using the same browser, you can immediately see who you are already following as their buttons will be grayed out, and you can go down the list and follow others right from the diary by clicking their buttons.
Not yet on The List below? Simply leave a comment IN THIS DIARY, with your Twitter name preceded by @ in the header, and you will be added to the top of the New Additions list in the diary, right below the orange croissant. That makes it easy for anyone to return to the diary and click on newly added people. You'll also be added to the cumulative alphabetical listings (front pagers are shown separately) that appear right below the New Additions, and you'll be added to the permanent button list diary, so you won't need to repost your Twitter handle in subsequent diaries.
We are continuing to add new people to this list even if they haven't found these diaries. If a Kossack has their Twitter handle listed in their DKos profile or in a diary or comments, we take that as meaning that they'd be happy to have their name on this list, and we've been adding them as we find them. This list continues to grow in between the periodic diaries. We are including all new people in the New Additions section at the top of the list, even if the person didn't leave a comment in the diary here and the addition was made later. You'll now find over 220 Twitter names below.
If you'd like to join our #kt2 group, or if you come across a Kossack with a Twitter name in their DKos profile or a Twitter button in their signature, who isn't on this list -- please drop us a message.
These diaries were formerly published weekly. But after an initially enthusiastic response, the comments seemed to dwindle a bit, so it seems more appropriate to now publish these monthly. It's more likely that there will a larger number of new tweeting Kossacks in a month.
Please also check out the other active Twitter group here: DKos TWEETers, run by Angie in WA State, which provides tons of useful info about using and getting the most out of Twitter, and the very latest hot, trending topics and other fun stuff.
We'd also recommend the extensive Fellow Kossacks Twitter List compiled by RLMiller. Please take advantage of that list, too.
In the last diary a month ago, there was some discussion in the diary and the comments, of the use of the hashtag #dkos versus #kt2. While a number of you seemed to prefer #dkos largely because it's a more easily recognized identifier, review of online tweets shows a somewhat larger number of people using #kt2. Rather than trying to change at this point, it seems most logical to suggest that people continue using whichever they prefer, or both (character limit permitting). Feel free to continue the discussion if you'd like.
So, don't forget to add #kt2 and/or #dkos to your tweets.
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