I'm sure that many Kossacks have heard of the WakeUp WalMart website and the larger effort to get the world's largest retailer to change its disgusting behavior.
WakeUp WalMart is currently in the midst of its "Change Wal-Mart, Change America Tour" which is a coast to coast journey with stops in nineteen states.
I've joined several of the organizers on their campaign bus, Smiley, as we head from Portland, Oregon to the final stop on the tour - Seattle, Washington.
Over the next few hours, I will be blogging LIVE from the road (yes, you read that right - from the road - on our organization's blog, sharing facts about Wal-Mart and its irresponsible business practices, perspectives from the organizers, and information about the final events in Seattle. I'll also be updating this diary on DailyKos with insights, pictures, and possibly even multimedia.
For updates, follow me below the flip. Feel free to post questions about the tour and about WalMart in the thread, and I'll see if we can provide answers.
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