Words fail.
Yes, that's what the Climate Hawks Vote organizer was told in woefully segregated Benton Harbor, Michigan. We've endorsed Paul Clements, challenging Fred Upton in southwest Michigan, and Gary Peters for Senate in Michigan, and we're registering voters in Benton Harbor. Sometimes our organizer runs into truly asinine people, like the one who thinks she's doing black people a disservice by registering them to vote.
Or the one who thinks that voting doesn't change anything. (Hello, #Ferguson#CivilRightsLaw#RaiseTheWage#BlackLivesMatter! she replied.)
So's she registering voters at the high school football game (6 voters per game). And the library (9 voters yesterday). And the schools (10 new voters this morning).
In a city of 10,000, it adds up.
We'll be holding a voter registration rally this Saturday, October 4 in Broadway Park, Benton Harbor. Call it a disservice to those who want to keep Fred Upton in power.
And we're registering voters in Maine, where we've endorsed Shenna Bellows for Senate, and San Diego, where we've endorsed Scott Peters for California's 52d Congressional District.
In Hawaii, Climate Hawks Vote organizers made thousands of calls on behalf of climate hawk Brian Schatz, who won his primary by 1600 votes. In Arizona-07, our work on behalf of Ruben Gallego got out the word that his opponent took dirty coal money, and he won his primary. Now we're working fall races.
We can't do it without support from grassroots donors, which means a donation request. If you donate by midnight tonight, you'll be entered into a drawing for an autographed copy of Naomi Klein's new book. If you donate later, you're awesome too.I hate asking DailyKos friends for money, but now that I've cofounded Climate Hawks Vote it's clear that money is needed to pay organizers on the ground.
Fine print: One entry per person, going back to September 15. If you've donated within the last week, you get one entry. If you donate between now and September 30, you get one entry. Whether you donate $5 or $5,000, you are one person. We'll put all the names into one beat-up old baseball cap and pick one. Winner announced, and book shipped, on or shortly after October 1. And whether you win or not, check out Klein's book - it's changing the climate debate.