A commentator in a recent diary suggested I "stop whining" after perceiving an anti-Obama sentiment regarding recent EPA actions on the environment. Although a life-long environmentalist and democratic party activist, I do recognize the importance of preventing the Republicans from taking over 3 branches of government. At the same time, the Obama campaign needs to hear criticism from its base when such criticism is needed. Environmental concessions in a perceived effort to solidify moderate votes is not news, agreed. I do applaud the Administration for not including eastern Gulf of Mexico waters in its recent decision to reopen leases for oil and gas drilling.
There is another huge issue pending related to the title of the diary, and the Obama campaign needs to recognize the huge risk it is taking in following through with the AG Foreclosure Settlement deal. Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin outlines the pros and cons of the deal and his anger is palpable.
The deal doesn't buy peace for the banks or stability for the US housing market. It just blows the government's last wad on a sideshow issue, robosigning. Consider all the critical issues the settlement does not (and cannot) address:
•The $700B in negative equity in the US.
•Clouded title from MERS
•Clouded title from wrongful foreclosrues
•Billions in investor putback and securities fraud claims
•Investor suits against trustee banks
•Disposal of the REO inventory and the shadow REO inventory
If the deal is to help the US housing market on a macro-scale, it has to take a major bite out of negative equity. $20B isn't even a scratch.
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