The following from today's NY Times tells the story.
The Gov. Of NJ has decided to resign from office on Nov. 15th.
This way, a run-off election is avoided and his replacement, another Democrat has a year to prove his mettle and be elected in his own right. If he resigns now or before Sept. 3rd, a run-off must be held.
Naturally, the Rps are up in arms about this. They want him to resign NOW, so they can field their candidate, and possibly win the Governorship. Possibly. More to the point, as things stand now, if McGreevey proceeds as planned they have no chance, but if a run-off election is held they have a chance however slim.
So guess who is more upset than the Rps? Nope, not Nader, guess again, I knew you would not be able to guess.
Answer below.
August 16, 2004
Some Democrats Are Said to Want McGreevey Out Fast
TRENTON, Aug 15 - Gov. James E. McGreevey is scheduled to return to the State House on Monday, intending to carry out his duties until his announced resignation date of Nov. 15. But many of his fellow Democrats spent the weekend trying to devise a way to ease him out of office this month and draft Senator Jon S. Corzine to run in a special election in November, party officials said.
Mr. McGreevey, who announced his resignation on Thursday as he publicly acknowledged that he had had a sexual relationship with a man, has said that he wants to leave time for an orderly transition. His spokesman said on Sunday that the governor had already laid out an agenda for the next 90 days. If Mr. McGreevey follows through on that plan, Senate President Richard J. Codey, a Democrat, will serve out the governor's term, which ends in January 2006.
So far, Republicans have been the most vocal in their call for Mr. McGreevey to leave immediately. But barring a public uprising, they have little ability to force the issue.
It is Mr. McGreevey's own party that can make the most trouble for him in the coming days.>>>
What is wrong with us? Never in a million years, would this happen in the Republican party.