Judge Jeanine Pirro is pretty crazy. She isn’t any more or less vitriolic than her Fox News peers. In fact, she is right in the Fox News’ sweet spot—a perfect balance of being made out of cow manure and hot air but still able to hold the shape and form of an actual human being. Last night on her show, let’s call it “Being a total lunatic with Judge (?) Jeanine Pirro,” she opened with an unhinged Islamaphobic, racist, xenophobic, pro-gun rant. She used the revelations that the female shooter in San Bernardino was residing in America on a “fiancee visa.”
The single deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 has happened. They're here and it’s time to stop pussy footing around, time to stop this 'politically incorrect' nonsense worrying about other people's feelings, pull out all the stops and start fighting for the survival of this country and our way of life.
You need to make a plan; how you’re going to protect yourself, your family, and your kids.
This is not about politics. It's about being safe. It's about surviving.
She hits all of the marks and buzzwords: Politically correct, pussy footing, our way of life. You know what she’s talking about … those people … c’mon, you know those people! But Judge Jeanine was a judge at one point in her life where she judged things and people, and old habits die hard. Her next point of order is what to do? They’re here!!!!!!!! What do we do, crazy lady?
Number one. Get a gun. Buy one legally. Learn how to shoot. And be primed to use it. I don't care if you get a long gun, a handgun, a revolver, a semi-automatic. Get whatever gun you can handle. And don't let anyone talk you out of it. The Second Amendment to the Constitution and the United States Supreme Court confirm your right to have one.
Get a fucking gun for Christsakes! Judge Jeanine Pirro does not care what kind of gun! Get it and be ready to use it damnit!
Number two. It is time to weaponize your local police
Excuse me, Ms. Pirro? Yeah, about that—the police already have lots of weapons. Like, too many weapons actually.
Number three. We need to close the borders. From Mexico and from Canada. Pure and simple. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have set the precedent by showing the world it can be done on American soil. There needs to be a halt to the issuance of visas. I don't care if it's a business visa or a vacation visa, an education visa, a fiance visa, a ninety day visa. Stop. These people do not have a right to be here. Period. End of story.
They’ve “set the precedent”? What are you talking about, you silly billy? That’s not even a thing when you consider how easy it is to get a gun and how many people shoot people in this country. Also, Judge Pirro’s parents are Lebanese, which means that she wouldn’t exist with this policy—and even with that positive result, isolationism is still a bad policy.
Number four. We must stop the refugee resettlement program immediately. I don't want to hear that it's not who we are. I know who we are. We are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian ethics. I don't need anyone to tell me that I have to take in somebody because they want to change the political demographics.
That’s some old-school racism for you. Some delicious in-your-face racism. Judeo-Christian ethics everyone! Like Mrs. Pirro’s tax-evading husband’s ethics or her ethically dubious, possibly criminal surveillance of her husband, ethics.
Number five. Get ready to give up some privacy. The metadata collection that was going on has been stopped. If that program were still in place, the feds could have taken the cellphones of those terrorist animals and immediately connected them to their contacts.
This isn’t even remotely true. Not even remotely. Judge Jeanine Pirro rambles about and comes to a very cinematic finish.
We are living in a dangerous time. The jackals are at the door
Jackals in glass houses ...
You can watch it all below the fold, but you might want to put away any firearms you might own first as you’ll end up being “primed” to destroy your computer after watching this mad hatter.