The nearly always offense Ted Nugent may have gone a step too far, even for gun lovers. After posting offensive anti-Semitic remarks blaming American Jews for the push for gun law reform, there is a legitimate push to oust from from the board of the NRA, where he's had a seat since 1995:
Bob Owens, editor of the pro-gun site, said many gun rights advocates are "simply done with Nugent."
"They're tired of feeling that they have to defend his half-baked rhetoric and simple-minded outbursts," Owens wrote. "Many people are calling for him to resign from the NRA Board and for him to have his membership stripped from him."
Owens said Nugent "owes the world a sincere apology," and has no business on the board if he can't do that.
Gun owners took to his Facebook page to unload:
Ted: As a religious Jew who testified with you in the Michigan Senate for relaxing gun laws and strengthening the 2nd Amendment, I'm absolutely disgusted but not at all surprised that you are showing what I always suspected: that you are a Jew-hater and a piece of crap. Ted Nugent Endorses Jews, then Announces He Hates Jews. Also, I'm sickened you invoke the slogan of Jewish Holocaust survivors, "Never Again" in mockery. Go to hell, asshole!
Ted you have become a great disappointment to me. I'll chalk it up to senility. Unfortunately, I have known from early on that I must be aware of people like you who harbor such bigotry towards anyone like me of the Jewish faith. As a life member of the NRA and an avid hunter I have always had an inkling that my guns and ammo were also there to protect my family from people like you.
I'm a Jewish conservative IN TEXAS. My late father was a lifetime member of the NRA. I am a gun owner. I'm supporting Ted Cruz for President. Look- me and my fellow Jewish patriots get that there are some bad actors among our coreligionists. Fine-but there are also plenty of anti-gunners among the non-Jews. There was ZERO reason for you to post photos of anti-gunners and go OUT OF YOUR WAY to point out that they were Jews. What was the point? There wasn't one. Yeah Ted-an apology is in order. #jewsforcruz #texasvaluesnotnycvalues.
Respectfully Mr. Nugent, as a Jewish gun enthusiast and hunter myself, I must ask. If you were not trying to link Jews with anti-gun legislation and idealism why did you place the Israeli flag (a symbol most commonly linked to Judaism) over those who oppose you?
Ted Nugent you sir are dead to me! I will no longer watch your shows , listen to your songs or follow you in social media. You have decided to lump all Jews into one group as liberal grab grabbers when the truth is many like myself and a majority of my friends own and train with firearms on a regular basis. All you have done is shown how out of touch you are and maybe on the verge of a mental break. I feel for your family as they seem to be losing you to mental illness.
Ted, you just don't get it . Aaron proves that there were many Jews today who fight for the right to bear arms. If you would have called out those that want to take away our gun rights you would have been spot on. That photo you posted insinuated "The Jews" were behind 9-11 with Bloomberg as an Israeli agent. Do you actually believe that conspiratorial bullshit. What the f does the Israeli flag have to do with gun control.? Last, you've attracted a lot of Holocaust denying nut jobs including Nazi David Duke to your pages, but you haven't called them out. As such, you appear to be siding with the haters. That's bulllshit.
The pagunblog notes it isn't that easy to remove a board member:
So if we wanted to recall Nugent, what’s the process? It’s not easy, and it would cost the NRA a lot of money. In truth it’s far easier just to wait for him to be up and vote him out. Here’s the process according to my copy of NRA’s bylaws:
- You have to get the signatures of no less than 450 voting NRA members.
- You need at least 100 signatures from three different states. For example, you’d have to get 100 signatures from, say, Texas members, 100 from Pennsylvania members, and 100 from Tennessee.
- None of the signatures can be dated before the last Annual Meeting.
- You must submit the completed petition to the Secretary no less than 150 days before the next Annual Meeting (so it’s too late for this year).
- The petition must be ruled valid, which means you realistically will need to collect closer to 700 signatures, since you’ll get people signing who think they are voting members, but aren’t.
- The Secretary has to arrange a hearing within 30 days, where both sides testimony are recorded, and a recommendation made as to final disposition.
- The Secretary then has to mail recall ballots to all voting NRA members. It will also have a packet that will also contain letters explaining the accusations and defenses. Note that this would cost NRA a lot of money.
- A majority of ballots have to be in favor of recall, after which the Board of Directors would appoint an interim replacement.