Many pro-choice advocates cringe when they hear or see the text “pro-life.” Now they can get some relief. Choice Language via The National Institute of Reproductive Health (NHRH) has initiated a Google Chrome extension that, when downloaded, will replace the “pro-life” text (in bold) with “anti-choice,” thus fostering more awareness. Here is the NIRH statement about the extension.
Those who stand against a woman's right to decide what is best for her own body prop themselves up as righteous saviors using a problematic framework of rhetoric and religion. The term "pro-life" is inaccurate in this argument – although it is a powerful tool in the fight against women's health rights – as it serves to demonize individuals who are pro-choice by suggesting that in their support of a woman's right to choose what is best for her own life, they also advocate for death in some way.
Tired of seeing the fraught term "pro-life" used ubiquitously and incorrectly, we conceived of this extension to shift the language of the discussion towards a more accurate framework. Using the language of pro-choice and anti-choice eliminates the sneaky and damning implications of a model built around "pro-life" versus pro-choice language. Pro-choice advocates are not anti-life, anti-choice advocates seek to eliminate a woman's right to choose. A conversation built on pro-choice versus anti-choice language is a more accurate one, and is one that does not vilify those who identify as anti-choice any further than their own actions would suggest.
To download the Google extension, visit: Choice Language
Studies show most Americans are pro-choice, but anti-choice Republican lawmakers and religious extremists are doing all they can to mislead the public, as well as introduce and pass laws every day that infringe upon a woman’s reproductive rights. The extremists want to manipulate the rhetoric to have believe women and men who are “pro-choice” are “anti-life of a baby” which is ridiculous. Many pro-choice advocates like myself—are parents/pro-family. By changing the language, we change the conversation and thus change the attitudes to better reflect the truth.