It’s 9/11, so Donald Trump obviously started the morning by tweeting a blow-by-blow of the Lou Dobbs program he recorded the night before. More and more, Trump’s twitter feed is like a Twitch channel for a Fox News fanboy … who watches the game twelve hours later.
In between propagating the latest ridiculous “discovery” by Dobbs (FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who was part of Robert Mueller’s task force for a whole two weeks, once texted about stopping a media leak. While he was not part of that task force. Which obviously means there was a plot to destroy Trump by leaking to the media!). Oh, and an hour later Trump managed to retweet a prepared statement concerning 9/11. Hashtag. Hashtag. Here, look at this thing someone else wrote. Now back to the critical Dobbs coverage!
However, in the middle of this, Trump did manage to tweet one important statement.
Yes. That’s very likely true. Absolutely. And why is that true? Because Eric Holder ran the Justice Department with the intent of generating justice, not turning it into a media shop for President Obama. It seems unlikely that Holder would have buckled to some of the document requests from Devin Nunes and other House Republicans that this DOJ has coughed up, even though they knowingly damaged both assets and methods involved in active investigations. But for the most part, yes, absolutely. Dobbs’ statement is correct. Anyone who is trying to run a Justice Department fairly and impartially would be doing just what Rod Rosenstein is doing now—working diligently to protect the Robert Mueller investigation and give them the scope necessary to do their jobs well.
This shouldn’t be taken as an insult to Rosenstein. It’s an admission by Dobbs, and by Trump, that they don’t think the Justice Department should be run impartially. A companion tweet to the one Trump made earlier complaining about charges being filed against Republican congressmen. What he expects from his Justice Department is a heavy finger on the scales, and he complains when he doesn’t get it.
After that, Trump did return for one more 9/11 tweet—by praising Rudy Giuliani. Who certainly did earn the Being There award by being there. And he also earned the Great Planning award by insisting, over the objections of everyone else involved, that the emergency response center for New York City be located in the World Trade Center, despite the fact that it was a known terrorist target and the subject of a previous attack.
Rudy’s great accomplishment for 9/11 was running the response from a street-side desk, because the people and the resources that were supposed to help in exactly that kind of situation, were buried in the rubble. Still, Trump declared Giuliani a “true warrior.”
Presumably, this was because Rudy did not get captured.