There is a guy in Virginia who is trying to help child pornographers. Not just any guy either, the Senate Majority Leader of the Virginia Legislature, Tommy Norment. Do I need to say that he’s a Republican?
After the gun massacre in Virginia Beach, where 12 were killed and 4 more injured; when the time was ripe to pass some good gun safety laws, Tommy Norment was one of the guys who closed down a special session on the issue after only 90 minutes.
Probably busy with his quest to get lighter sentences for child pornographers.
Now, I will admit to watching some adult porn in my life. And I think an argument could be made that there are some women who are willing do porn, consider it acting and are proud of their work. There is no doubt that there are also some women who are less than willing, maybe men too,
Women such as Marilyn Chambers and Sasha Grey do seem good with their work and who am I to judge? They have award ceremonies and everything.
But when it comes to child porn, it is nothing but rape. Straight up rape. No 7 year old, or 12 year old, or 15 year old child is capable of consenting to sex on film. It’s rape.
Watching child porn is as close to rape as it gets. If you are watching children being raped on film, you are facilitating that rape in my opinion.
I don’t think Tommy Norment is trying to get help (as a normal person would define help) for those who watch children being raped on film, though those folks do need some kind of mental intervention for sure.
Tommy Norment is trying to get lighter sentences for the folks who watch, make, and distribute child rape films. See Senate Bill SB1560.
Miriam Webster defines pornography as "the depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement”.
So, I have a few suggestions here. One is, lets stop calling it “child pornography”, it’s not. We need to start calling it what it is. It’s child rape.
My next suggestion is to help to the guy who is trying to stop Tommy Norment, his Democratic opponent, Herb Jones; a Full Bird Colonel, Bronze Star recipient, who did 2 tours in the Middle East. Herb was elected county wide 3 times and served 3 terms as the Treasurer of New Kent County, VA.
Let’s flood him with money so that in these last 3 weeks before the election, Herb’s campaign can fill mailboxes with flyers. Because Herb Jones doesn’t want lighter sentences for people who watch, make or distribute child rape films.
Herb wants to protect children, so that they don't ever get raped in the first place. I asked him about this yesterday and he said:
People who participate in this behavior are disgusting. The political leaders who enable this behavior through legislation, must be called to task and removed from office. This is just another reason why we must unseat Tommy Norment on November 5, 2019.