The “United States Space Force,” a particularly bizarre Trump fever dream given life to feed the black hole of his ego, released their first uniforms to the public on Friday evening. Get a load of these beauts:
Love it! Don’t you? I see that and I definitely thing, “Yeah, space! Come get some!” And yet, some folks on Twitter had some issues with this new design, like Jrehling:
I’m not sure I see his point, but other Twitter users seemed to agree with him and offered a litany of alternate proposals for our budding space cadets. Here’s Harry Knuckles:
Comfortably Numb:
Bill Weir:
Mrs Olson Says:
The Rebuttal:
Ethan Hildebrandt:
And Jackie D., among others:
Personally, I don’t see what all the fuss is about—and Dustin Miller agrees:
Go Space Farce!