The Republican civil war in Georgia intensified Tuesday after Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue lambasted Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office for not having provided them with publicly available voter registration data. Raffensperger was not having it.
“It’s been one week since the voter registration deadline passed and the Secretary of State has failed to compile and release a final list of newly registered voters,” Loeffler said Monday in a statement on behalf of herself and Perdue. “This is totally unacceptable.” The failure might threaten the integrity of the runoff elections, she warned. Raffensperger’s response reflected his rage at being targeted by his fellow Republicans for the crime of having run a reasonably fair election.
“Though I’ve told the Republican Party to stop focusing on me and instead direct their energies to winning the Senate runoffs, clearly they haven’t listened,” Raffensperger said in a statement. “As embarrassing as it is for Sens. Perdue and Loeffler not to know that the data they want is already publicly available from the Secretary of State, it’s even worse that they’re not aware their own campaigns already have the data they’re looking for. Early voting has already started but it’s not too late for them to call their offices and get their campaigns in order.”
Raffensperger’s statement further quoted a National Republican Senatorial Committee representative as saying: “They have those lists.”
Donald Trump gave Raffensperger more reason for explosive fury Tuesday morning with this retweet:
It does not look like Georgia Republicans are getting ready to make nice with each other. What a shame.
Ready to reach voters in Georgia, whether by phonebanking or textbanking, for the Jan. 5 runoff? Click to sign up for a training with Fair Fight—the voting rights group founded by Stacey Abrams—and they will set you up with what you need to start effectively reaching out to Georgia voters.
We've got one last shot at winning the Senate in January. Please give $3 right now to send the GOP packing.