Oh, how I wish President Donald Trump was a devout Catholic. Maybe then he would be moved to stop trolling America for Lent after Pope Francis delivered a message this Ash Wednesday that seemed especially relevant for the entertainer in chief. “It is the time to give up useless words, chatter, rumors, gossip, and talk …,” the pope said during a weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. He described a culture “polluted by too much verbal violence" and "offensive and harmful words," and just like that, Trump’s face came to me. He was up to his usual antics Wednesday morning and had just called Sen. Elizabeth Warren a “mean” and “undisciplined” “chocker” on Twitter in debate night analysis no one asked for.
Crazy, chaotic Democrat Debate last night,” Trump tweeted. “Fake News said Biden did well, even though he said half of our population was shot to death. Would be OVER for most. Mini Mike was weak and unsteady, but helped greatly by his many commercials (which are not supposed to be allowed during a debate).” The president
continued, “Pocahontas was mean, & undisciplined, mostly aiming at Crazy Bernie and Mini Mike. They don’t know how to handle her, but I know she is a ‘chocker’. Steyer was a disaster who, along with Mini, are setting records in $’s per vote. Just give me an opponent!”
Just give me a president. I don’t even need one who expresses religious sentiments. A simple moral compass would suffice.