Donald Trump has settled into the habit of violating his oath of office multiple times a day, seeking to sow discontent or sabotage outright whichever American laws and principles happen to be peeving him during any 10-minute stretch of time. Today's meltdown is over Americans being able to possibly vote by mail during a worldwide deadly pandemic that makes gathering in crowded spaces a potentially fatal choice, which Donald is responding to by threatening to treat individual American states to the same dictatorial threats he lobs at foreign countries. The man's an idiot and a crook in equal measures.
This follows, of course, Trump lying his behind off about the state of Michigan's absentee ballot efforts. For what it is worth, while numerous states are expanding vote-by-mail in an effort to allow American citizens to Not Die while casting their ballots, Trump appears to be targeting only the states with women secretaries of state, not men. (Again, it is absolutely impossible to overstate Trump's twitching misogyny and weird faux-masculine-based cowardice. We have in Trump someone who appears to have never displayed a single redeeming feature, in any capacity. He's the Rosetta Stone of all other psychopathies.)
So here we have the impeached, alleged president of the United States taking time out of his busy day of retweeting praise for himself and imagining worldwide conspiracies to force those around him to plead guilty to crimes to, now, pull a Ukrainian extortion move on a U.S. state because he finds absentee ballots sufficiently threatening to his manhood that he believes sabotaging the pandemic expansion of those ballots via Still More Weird Conspiracy Theories to be his only remaining option.
If there is any punditry left to be said about the man, it needs to include this bit or it is irrelevant: The man is garbage. He is a sociopathic nonsense-drooler. He is not only unfit for office, but incapable of fulfilling the official duties. He violates the oath he took with gaudy regularity. He remains president only because the rest of his party is every bit as corrupt and malicious as he is, down to every last root and branch.
Nevada Gov. Sisolak saw fit to respond to the tangerine-painted fascist.
Which is true, but it leaves out that it is also un-American, probably illegal on its face, and—in its efforts to block citizens from voting by forcing them to choose between withholding their votes or risking death to cast them—treasonous to democracy.
Enough about Trump's enablers; they are all corrupt, they have signed their names to it, they own it all. Anyone else in the nation who still so much as has patience for the man needs to be forcibly shaken until they remember just how ridiculous Trump's behavior is, compared to even the minimal standards we expect of even minor officials. If you are not insulting the man at every turn, you are doing it wrong. If you are not on a Secret Service list of people who are not allowed in the same room as the blubbering fool due to government concerns you might wound his pride to the point of presidential aneurism, you are doing it wrong.
Take away the cowardly moron's Twitter feed, at the very least. Make him threaten to betray his nation on his own stationery, rather than on our phones and tablet screens.