About six-in-ten U.S. adults say there’s too much economic inequality in the country these days, and among that group, most say addressing it requires significant changes to the country’s economic system, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.
5 facts about the abortion debate in America
About six-in-ten U.S. adults (61%) said in a 2019 survey that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, compared with 38% who said it should be illegal all or most of the time.
Ask me about any other issue that bothers you, where it is now time, and past time.
Joe probably has a plan for that.
We’re in a battle for the soul of America. It’s time to remember who we are.
It is Also Time For
Who's up? It's always time.
Anniversaries and Birthdays
Rev 'em up, Rev. It's time.
Have at it, hpg and others. It is sooooo time.
Rachel had Stacey Abrams on Thursday night, and they went over the amazing Georgia polls. Quinnipiac and Fox both.
Hey, neo-Confederates! You know what? It's time.
I got a degree in this stuff. Now I write about math and physics and religion and this and that on Quora as well as here.
What's the craziest mathematical fact you know?
- Infinities are big, and there are lots of them. Too many and too big to think about clearly. But that isn't the really crazy part.
- There is a theorem that says that no matter how many infinities there are, and how big they are supposed to be, there are countable models of everything in mathematics, consisting of the names and descriptions of objects that can be expressed in the language of the theory. Anything that cannot be named doesn't have to exist.
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.
What cannot be spoken of must be left to silence.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Time, or rather spacetime, is also weird.
- Nothing can travel faster than light. Nothing, in fact, can travel in spacetime at any speed other than the speed of light. A material object moves at 0 in space in its own reference frame, and c in time. Photons and other massless particles travel at almost but not quite exactly c in space, and almost but not quite exactly 0 in time. "The speed of light" c is defined as its speed in a perfect vacuum, which does not and cannot exist. Gamma rays from a recently observed kilonova arrived 1.7 seconds after the gravitational waves over a distance of billions of light years. Impressively close to c, but definitely slower.
- Given two observers in relative motion, each sees the other one's clock running slower.
- Kant observed that a beginning to time doesn't make any sense, and time without a beginning makes just as little sense. You aren't going to get around this one.
Immanuel Kant but Genghis Khan.
Bad News for Trump and Trumpists
^^ !!THESE!! ^^
Grassley: Senate would 'probably' override Trump veto of defense bill amid base renaming fight
The basest of Red Meat
Nobody exemplifies Thorstein Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class more than The Donaldinho. That will be the theme of Grokking Trumpists: The Theory of Donald Trump, Sunday at noon. The highest leisure class values, according to Veblen, are force and fraud, followed by conspicuous consumption. There you go. It's going to write itself, as this one did today. It's time.
I wrote these six years ago. The 1% is far worse now, except for the few who aren't, who are demanding that we tax the rich and take the knee, for example.
They are right. It's time.
Grokking Republicans: The Theory of the 1%, Part 1
Grokking Republicans: The Theory of the 1%, Part 2
It's time we all got Mr. The 0.00001% in Person's (as he will tell you himself) story straight. It's time for everybody to believe him when he shows us who he is. The White Supremacists certainly do. That is why his core base is immovable, except for dying off at a bit more than the usual rate. See Jonathan Metzl, Dying of Whiteness, which will get its own Diary in the series.
Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening all at once.
Patience, Gracehopers. It's time, and it will go on being time, so that we will have time to do what is needed.
Cannot run out of time. Time is infinite. We are finite. This—is wrong tool. Never use this tool.
Zathras, B5
Nichi nichi ze gou nichi.
Every day is a good day.
Nana korobi ya oki.
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
When should I start training?
You're late. Kalpas and kalpas late. But then, so is everybody.
It's always time for any of the above.