Providence Rhode Island Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin seems to have been sad emoji frowny face at the announcement that Joe Biden had chosen Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. The problem for the bishop? No Catholics! He went to Twitter to write “Biden-Harris. First time in awhile [sic] that the Democratic ticket hasn’t had a Catholic on it. Sad.”
Of course, besides being a truly dumb thing to say, it is also an aggressively ignorant and factually incorrect thing to say. For example, the “in awhile [sic]” Bishop Tobin is talking about includes the famous ticket of Barack Obama and his very Catholic running mate Joe Biden. Biden, Biden, Biden, where have I heard that name recently? Right, in the first word of the good bishop’s lament. The rest of the Twittersphere decided to remind Bishop Tobin about loving thy neighbor and all of that good stuff found in those old books he allegedly reads so much.
This isn’t Tobin’s first foray into making political waves. He has barred Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island from receiving communion based on Kennedy’s stances on abortion and stem cell research. But luckily, there were many people willing to correct the Bishop’s mistakes.
Hey, I just said that!
Very measured.
Not going to let that fact go. To be clear, no one should let that go. Bishop Thomas Tobin was the auxiliary bishop of Pittsburgh, “one of six Pennsylvania dioceses covered in a scathing grand jury report on the cover-up by Catholic Church officials in Pennsylvania of decades of child abuse by more than 300 priests.” He has said the abuses suffered during his time in that position were outside of purview.
Also, there are some rules in the Catholic faith, right?
And another reminder.
And finally.