It goes without saying that Ivanka Trump is far more tactful, graceful, and elegant than her father. (Then again, so is a 737 jet engine sucking in random flocks of geese.) So when Ivanka’s beastly pa started claiming, without a scintilla of actual evidence, that the 2020 election had been stolen (i.e., stollen), she must have been aghast.
In fact, Ivanka told the House Jan. 6 committee in a recorded deposition that she believed former Attorney General Bill Barr’s claims that Trump’s election-theft claims were meritless, stating, “I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he said.” And a June 8 New York Times piece—which was likely planted by sources close to Ivanka’s husband, children, father, brothers, primary residence, and living room settee—asserted that Jared and Ivanka had had enough of Trump’s squishy democracy-befouling brain farts by early November 2020 and decided to lam it to Miami, even before the election had officially been called for President Biden.
Well—surprise, surprise!—that was all bullshit. In fact, according to new film footage reviewed by The Times, Ivanka was all-in on Trump’s phantasmagorical election claims well into his campaign’s assault on the foundations of American democracy. The footage, from Alex Holder, a documentarian who was given access to the Trump family during the run-up to Jan. 6, reveals that, at the very least, Ivanka was talking out of both sides of her mouth.
In the footage, Ivanka was asked for her take on her father’s “very clear position on the results and what’s going on,” and she apparently decided it was far better to humor her dad than lift a meticulously manicured finger for the well-being of her country.
“I think that, as the president has said, every single vote needs to be counted and needs to be heard, and he campaigned for the voiceless,” Ms. Trump replied. “And I think a lot of Americans feel very, very disenfranchised right now, and really, question the sanctity of our elections, and that’s not right, it’s not acceptable.”
She went on, “And he has to take on this fight. Look, you fight for what you love the most and he loves this country and he loves this country’s people, and he wants to make sure that their voice is, is heard and not muted.”
She said that he “will continue to fight until every legal remedy is exhausted and that’s what he should do.”
Gee, why would one encourage a close relative to wage a knock-down, drag-out fight over something they believed was total nonsense? After all, that interview was conducted on Dec. 10, and Bill Barr told the world that Trump was brimming over like a hog-feces lagoon in a Category 5 hurricane on Dec. 1.
Even more tantalizing is the fact that the House Jan. 6 committee now has Holder’s footage—and the committee is revising its schedule to accommodate this new evidence, as well as documents from the National Archives and new tips the committee has received since the hearings began.
Hmm, this could get real interesting, real soon. Stay tuned.
Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.