Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has long been a fool. His lack of shame and willingness to say and do just about anything in search of power and personal aggrandizement are legendary. His clown capacity reached new heights Monday, hours after Tropical Storm Hilary passed through Los Angeles, when Cruz retweeted (re-Xweeted?) an image that millions of people have seen over the past 12 years. It showed a shark swimming on a flooded highway.
“Holy Crap,” Cruz wrote above the image that had initially been posted by Barstool Sports personality Dan Katz. People quickly pointed out that this swimming shark photo was debunked as a fake when it first appeared in 2011, purporting to be an image showing the aftermath of Hurricane Irene in Puerto Rico. The photo has continued to circulate over the past decade, becoming so notorious that it even has its own Wikipedia page titled “Hurricane Shark.” As of the writing of this story, Cruz sharing this piece of misinformation with his 6 million-plus Xwitter followers has not been added to the Wikipedia page.
Cruz later added a note to the original post, writing, “I’m told this is a joke. In LA, you never know… And everyone please stay safe from the storm or otherwise.” What kind of a strange, backhanded joke was he trying to make about Los Angeles? It’s anybody’s guess.
The responses to Cruz’s latest public fumble are funny and deserved.
RELATED STORY: 'Utterly dishonest': Twitter reacts to Ted Cruz's NAACP criticisms
This short interaction sums up many people’s feelings about Cruz.
Watch out, Teddy: Photoshop can spin you around!
Other people hoped Cruz could help them spread the word about even more serious problems.
Some other people wanted to make sure Cruz was practicing the self-care he is known for.
And because this clip never gets old:
Sign the petition: No Republican dirty tricks. Keep the voting age at 18.
Why did Ted Cruz have to drag Pat Benatar into this?
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