This won’t be a long diary. Even by Trump’s standards, this is beyond the pale. Today he said (UPDATE: better link here, h/t wasatch in the comments), in reference to the school shooting in Iowa yesterday in which a sixth-grader was killed:
It’s a very terrible thing that happened and it’s just horrible to see that happening. That’s just horrible. So surprising to see it here. But we have to get over it, we have to move forward,
Let me repeat what he said:
we have to get over it
And again:
get over it
And again, for those in the back:
get over it
Apparently it’s not even "thoughts and prayers” anymore when a sixth grader dies. It’s just... suck it up. And move on to the next dead kid. Or, more likely, kids.
And yes, I know, he says awful things every day and seems to skate. This one, though — it’s so grotesque. And it’s a Kinsley gaffe, too; it’s obvious he believes it. But mostly, it’s just a horrible thing to say. And it’s three words, easy to remember. Let’s try to make sure people notice.