I signed up for the Nader Exploratory Committee e-mail list (so I could send him a comment that I don't think he should run) and I just got this in my in-box. Comments?
Dear Friend,
It is early, but so far it's starting to look - once again - like the insurgents and the fresh voices in the 2004 elections may be ignored or marginalized by the powers that be.
Please take a minute today to visit the Nader 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee website to let us know whether you think there needs to be another challenger to the entrenched status quo.
Should Ralph enter the 2004 elections to provide a non-corporate, real choice in November?
Visit our website today to:
- Fill out our new volunteer questionnaire
- Help us raise money to test the waters - every contribution counts and we really need it right now to reach out to people; and
- Tell us what you think at info@naderexplore04.org
Ralph is going to decide soon based on what kind of support there is for a fresh attempt to advance the power and interests of the people. Your help today is critical.
Thank you,
The team at the Nader 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee
The bit about "insurgents and the fresh voices" is the part that concerns me. Looks a bit like Nader's trying to play off any possible Deaniac discontent with the old-hat Kerry and parlay it into grassroots support for a run in 2004.
Furthermore... if we nominate Kerry, does Nader's message about the insurgents being ignored start to resonate louder?