Third in a weeklong series.
Pros: Breadth of experience. Governor, congressman, cabinet secretary, UN ambassador. Hispanic. From the southwest, an area where the Dems have been rising the last decade. Would secure New Mexico. Comes across as a down to the earth kind of guy and is good on TV.
Cons: Somewhat controversial tenure as Energy Secretary. Lewinsky interview. Hispanic (it cuts both ways). Originally promised to serve out his full term as Governor. Free trade views would not appeal to the rust belt. Saw him on TV the other night and it looks as though he put 20 pounds on what was already an ample frame.
Outlook: Based on seeing him the other night, has not completely ruled out accepting the spot. But breaking his promise to New Mexico voters could backfire big time if he is selected. Nonetheless, his Hispanic background would be a big appeal in the southwest states and, possibly, Florida. Certainly no question about his qualifications. A bottom first tier candidate whose selection may depend on how Kerry performs in the polls. I suspect that if Kerry starts dropping, Richardson's chances will start rising.