To be honest I don't even know where to begin. Big Corps it seems are out to screw us again.
This is the top paragrpah from a Forune article
NEW YORK (FORTUNE) - Friends, be warned: If you're hoping to find a new job through a job board or other online channel -- or if you're an employer seeking candidates on the Web -- the world just got a little bit more difficult.
The article can be found here
more below
This to me is a baffling excercise in government interference.
The new rules state that we basically have to have our resumes and experience match EXACTLY what the employers are asking for, or else it can be tossed aside. Also resumes can be tossed if you don't send an expressed letter of intent to each employer. Your resume can be tossed simply because your aren't in the lucky random pile. Your resume can be tossed if its simply a few months old.
These new rules are just mindboggling. One thing is sure they are not helping us, the workers.
The only thing I can make of this is, that it allows big companies to outsource easier. These inane rules allow the elimination of american job candidates very easily, and thus after a half ass american search, big companies can then be free to look overseas for workers under the guise that " no one fits the qualifications" here.
It seems to be just another example of our leadership selling out the middle class.