I spent the day with one of my closest friends, who happens to be a staunch republican. A couple of hours in the car and most of the day on the golf course.
After the 2000 elections, which we watched together in a club house, finally going home without a win on either side (remember that?), there seemed to be a non-spoken agreement between us that politics was off limits.
After a full day of nothing of politics except him asking me who Obama was (Edwards/Obama 2012 sticker on the van), I asked him if he could consider voting for Kerry.
His reply at first was the usual "lesser of two evils" routine, but he did say that he was waiting for Kerry to give him a reason to vote for him and that Bush was a "disapointment".
After I nearly swerved off the road in shock, he said he was never less interested in a presidential race and probably wouldn't vote.
This guy, a local cop who thinks Scalia and Ashcroft have made his job easier by taking away some civil liberties (his words), has never not voted. He is actually considering Kerry and if not convinced will probably stay home Nov. 2nd.
Bush is freakin' toast if he's lost people like my buddy.
Plus, I beat him by five strokes. What a nice day.