Win or lose, if nothing else the Alito filibuster, or cloture vote, did one thing good. It helped us separate the "wheat from the chaff." That is, by asking, or in some cases forcing, our Senators and congressmen to take a stand we will continue to find out who will sell out and who will vote on principle. We will continue to find out who we can trust and who we cannot.
I must say that I was really surprised by Kerry. Way to go John, welcome back into the light. Stand on your ideals and let no man (or woman) make you change your mind because they might call you names. Remember, "sticks and stones..."
What we need, besides rebuilding our party from the bottom up, is showing the American people who will fight for right and who won't, who will sell out to the Bush right wing and who won't.
As far as I am concerned, anyone, ANYONE, who voted for Alito, or for the cloture vote, for that matter, deserves to be removed from office. You are not standing up for the ideals of the Democratic Party or for the people of the United States. Become a Republican, become an independent, but please don't pretend to be a Democrat.
Furthermore, and finally, the right continually hits us with, "but where are the ideas? What plan does the Democratic party put out there other than bashing Bush?" Well, to that I can only say that WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' PLAN!
This fight for our country is about putting good people in power who will represent us, the People, over corporate interests. It is about who will make the right decisions when the time comes, especially in a crisis. So far I have seen nothing from the right that says they can do the job. From war to torture, to giving away our money to the rich, decimating the economy, killing innocent people, not supporting the troops that THEY put in harms way, the Katrina response (or lack thereof), Terri Schiavo, NSA spying, ad infinitum, there isn't thing ONE they have right since taking (literally) power in 2000.
I want a man or woman who will say NO to torture, no to war (unless absolutely, positively necessary, which is seldom), who will fight for better schools, for universal heath care, and stay out of my home, bedroom and stand for what the Bill of Rights and Constitution intend. They may be "old" documents, but they've served us well for these 200+ years.
It's really not so hard. You just have to be a good person. And so far, I can't name on person on the right who is really a good person.
So let's separate the wheat (good Dems) from the chaff (bad Dems) and work to put people in power who will truly work for the People of this country.
And those on the left that choose to be DINOs, your time is up.