This neoconservative magazine has printed an interesting look into the Clark Campaign. At times it is critical, at others it is sympathetic; generally speaking, it is a compelling piece from a magazine not known for its objectivity. Here's the link:
The Weekly sub-Standard
I know I haven't posted here for a while--I'm out of the country at the moment, but I have been keeping up with politics through this blogs and some others. Although I would hesitate to read the Weekly Standard on a regular basis, I think this article is worth reading.
On one hand, it really hammers Clark on the fact that he is not a politician. Specifically, his sometimes quizzical comments (Guarantee of no terrorist attacks) are discussed, as well as his developing campaigning abilities.
The piece also delves into the campaign itself, describing the Clinton connection as well as comparing the Clintonites' campaign abilities to those of NH frontrunner Dean.
A lot of this stuff is retread, but I think it shows that Clark, though not perfect, is as good of a candidate as the Democrats can offer.