Let me start out by saying that I served without distinction in the 'peacetime' US Navy. No wounds, no medals, and I never faced the enemy.
Let me also say that I want our US troops to come home safe and serve with honor. To me that means that our troops act like they understand the Geneva Convention instruction that they, and I, received in basic training.
So I differ from the ChickenHawk 'Ass-Boil' Limbaugh who wants to defend one of 'our guys' who have been caught on tape executing an unarmed, wounded man.
Didn't the 'Greatest Generation' under a Democratic president who won his war, hang a bunch of thugs for executing prisoners and other crimes?
Rush, those criminals are 'your guys' and you are welcome to claim them.
'My guys' observe the Geneva Convention and save the lives of other wounded, captured Americans by acting like Americans not wild beasts.