I've had enough. The SCLM is so far to the right, and refuses to check the facts for fear of being marked as "liberally biased", they have melted down. We need to stand up. In this instance, I have no qualms about using Republican Tactics to achieve what is rightful journalism in this country.
I'm taking suggestions on how to start such a campaign. We need to take back the media, return them to objectivity (if they ever even were.) We need to make it clear that liberals certainly don't consider them "liberal" media and that, somehow, the rest of America doesn't either and is fed up with the lack of integrity, fact-checking, and mere repition of partisan spin.
So...to those with more experience...what do we do? A boycott the media campaign would be a good place to start, and i'm surprized it's taking this long to come around. I know plenty of people who are doing this, including myself, but we need to organize and make it clear just how many viewers they are losing.
How about we start innudating them with facts as to how their conservative commontators dwarf their liberal ones in both voice and number? That would be a good start. Letting them know that they are continuing to let us down like the Times did, where they admitted they were on Iraq, is another start.
I'd be happy to do whatever work is involved in accomplishing what i've suggested, I just have little experience and don't know what the best plan of attack is.