Im in a very disturbed state today. my democratic freinds on m email list are getting shakey. one in particular requests that I dont send anymore more of "these" emails about counting ALL the votes in this country. doesnt want to here of the right wing's asendancy etc... well, sorry these are the facts. one friend tries to rationalize-bush wont go to the right because he wants a legacy so dont worry. but he already has a legacy right? I mean he did overhaul medicare, change public education some, install massive tax cuts, etc... no, I fear that he will continue to govern from the right. some say-well he will push for a palestinian state for legacy. well, clinton tried that to and it didnt work. the US cant swoop in and suddenly fix a hundred year war in the mideast. I hope that more democrats will refuse to live in silence about the right, about civil liberties, and about reforming the party. If someone like vislack took the dnc Im afraid Id have to leave for the greens or something...