not the program, maybe, but the
spin, yes! wolf blitzer has just interviewed condaleeza rice in the "situation" room and documented her attempts to squirrel out from under the nsa spying revelations. so far, she has made several remarkable statements!
she has admitted that bush's actions were taken under legal "concerns", which is why he is doing so in limited fashion and the program is under constant review.
let me see if i understand this... the president KNOWS that his actions are illegal, so if he only "breaks the law" a little bit then it is somehow ok?
uh, is this like being a little bit pregnant?
more beneath the fold
immediately switches to the repubbie talking points on how "it is a very sad day that how we are doing "it" has been revealed to the public". ok, the blame the media game... i've got it...
then she again impliess that we lost bin laden due to media disclosures regarding taps by saying that the revealing any government activities is a "danger to the country - we had a tap on bin laden's phone and he stopped using it..." oh. THAT is why he got away! NOT the fact that we let the war lords go after him instead of us, cuz we wuz too busy going into iraq!
but WAIT! i feel better already because bush (through rice) "needed to explain he was using his 'constitutional authority' to protect the american civil liberties and protect the american people..."
so, the object of this diary is to collect rice and all's talking points - put them together so we can ALL feel better!
already, i can now sleep better at night cuz bushco is watching over me! like all those angels at my hands and feet and head - and in my phone, outside my door, on my block, up in the air....
now if i could ONLY find a doctor to prepare my retinal scan records so i can get a new i.d. card like they have in fallujah, i just KNOW i will sleep better!