Repair or Run? Not ready to jump ship yet...
I turn eighteen in a few months and my mother, being the good mother she is, brought home the papers so that I can begin to receive political junk mail and phone calls months earlier than I would if I simply signed up on my birthday. I miss this year's elections by about a week and a half, so it REALLY doesn't matter. Needless to say, I filled out the form anyway.
The problem was that, being slightly left of libertarian, I couldn't decide whether to mark Independant or Democrat. I like feeling open-minded to all candidates I happen to agree with, not just those that fall along party, lines; I also want to vote in the primaries, which would require me to pick a party. I finally gave up and marked Democrat because I decided I didn't always have to vote party lines, whether or not I was a party member.
Voting in the primaries is very important to me, because that is one of the very few ways I feel I can turn things around. Both parties have started to irritate me to no end (more so the Republicans, but still...) in the sense that they're so focused on winning that they've both forgotten why they wanted to win in the first place. My dream election is where an edgy (i.e. liberal) candidate steps forward and is so blunt, so honest, so straightforward and doesn't have any weird past issues that everyone just falls in love with him or her and they lead this country out of the hole that Dubya dug for us.
Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen, but I suppose the only thing I can do is vote and pray.