Ok, I'll fess up -- I'm the one who's in a mood -- it's the heatskis! trapped! like Mr. Burns w/Homer in a log cabin, except for the blizzard/avalanche part, but trapped! nonetheless.....
So.....the theme? hmmmm.....believe it or nor, but gathering pootie pics is hard work!! So, I thought I'd be a good liberal and recyle --- I have a collection of scary pooties that I gathered for Carnacki's vampire blog, and am thinking.....can we make that work? let's see
Bwaaahahaha! scared yet?

Now? lol
As Always, all featherd, gilled, scaled, etc., friends, stories, pics, welcomed, w/the exception of Killer Bees, of course***
Ok, I'm gonna need your help w/this poll, more than ever, b/c scary movies,...well, scare me!