I have to admit I had never heard of Avedon Carol until she began to guest post at
Atrios but I have to say I really like her. By that I mean, I agree with a lot of what she writes!!!
One thing I really like is that she is not afraid to use the platform at Atrios to write about election (dare I say it?) fraud.
I wanted to point out something else she brings up though, that she links at Atrios and discusses here.
Well actually she links to another writer that discusses what I really wanted to point out. But the link above does go to a terrific post about the pillaging of our country through 2 bush administrations, it also has a link to the China spy plane incident.
So what did I want to write about? Well first of all as her post points out:
Out-sourcing means more than just giving your job to some guy in China; it means that while the Chinese are learning to do your job, Americans are not.
You don't hear much talk of this by the globalization apologists, apparently the loss of this knowledge just doesn't matter in the greater scheme of the rush to "offshore/out-sourcing".
At the end of this post she links to another site discussing Cisco and John Chambers plan for the company. Now I have actually written before Mr. Chambers and his apparent drive to make Cisco into a "Chinese company", verbalizing his wish to abandon the country and people that made his company.
This post also points out something else, though. Why is Mr. Chambers doing this? Because the Chinese government asked him to!! I don't know how much Cisco is investing in the US, and I would think I would have heard about a 38 million dollar training center if the company had begun to build one somewhere in the US, but they are building one in China. Finally in the words of a former Reagan official-Paul Craig Roberts(a staunch conservative by the way):
Unless there are major changes soon, America's economic future is a third world work force with a banana democracy's worthless currency.