What are the Core Liberal Values?
I've been searching for the right way to capsulize what we should be fighting for in a way that everyone can understand. I finally found it in
a Buzzflash interview with Katrina vanden Heuvel eidtor of
The Nation, the country's oldest opinion magazine. As she put it:
"I believe that a progressive politics that blames the people as its starting point is dead on arrival. I think just the opposite."
which is
dead-on in my opinion. Attacking the members of the Bush regime, while easy pickin's, is simply playing their game. They don't have real issues to stand on, but we do, namely:
- Investment in health care and education over tax cuts
- Fair trade over free trade
- Corporate accountability over deregulation
- Environmental protection over laissez-faire policies
- Defending Social Security and Medicare over privatizing them
- Raising the minimum wage over eliminating it
..again quoting Katrina
"The country prefers progressive alternatives to the failed policies of the conservative right."
I believe the best way to fight back is to stick to Katrina's list above. What about you?
p.s. this is my first post, please be kind..