First, the local news.
Bishop's people spoke to me yesterday.
The website will be up ASAP. They will get back in contact with me when you can donate that way.
The campaign will be taking volunteers to canvass and do other fieldwork (visibility and all the other fun things we did for Dean and Clark and friends) in mid-April.
So, worry about your tax filings and the math on them for now ... but sign up on my growing list
They will be coordinating web signups, especially from NYC, through me (at least until I finish my PhD thesis and return to medical training).
Now ... the web news.
Bush has screwed up another environmental treaty.
I'll let you guys read it.
Courtesy of Greenwatch:
The Great Tom Manatos of Pelosi-Land has let us know that Punk Rockers of a Leftist Bent are registering fans at concerts. I also have it on good authority that similar efforts are underway at Phish and former Dead member shows (Head Count, I kid you not).
So, kudos to the punks. You've come a long way since the 1970s ... all the way from anarcho-fascist to center-left. Now, we have annoying political agitators, crunchies, and punks on our side ... all THREE Young Ones demographics!
He also let me know that Pelosi and pals have been notified that they have to PUBLICALLY OPPOSE the Constitution Restoration Act of 2004 (first reported on by jackemoe here and Orcinus in blogospheric journals). He has been made aware that it is rhetorically related to the Hate Amendment, and their attempts to kill it will be couched in anti-Dominionist tones. Hostile takeover of government by our own mullahs, and all that jazz.
So, look out for registrars at rock shows, write to your Congresscritters about the intl treaties and what we need to fix on pesticides, and hammer home the evil that is the Constitution Restoration Act of 2004.