A) No one trumps FDR. FDR is the king.
B) I believe that we are on the verge of a crisis so huge, it will make the Civil War and WWII look like peanuts. I think that some "friendly" Muslim regimes will fall. I think that we are going to see some real WMD problems in the next few years. I think that the oil crisis chickens will finally come home to roost, and non-OPEC nations won't be able to bail us out.
C) I think that if GWB wins re-election, kiss goodbye to the Republic and maybe the planet. We'll owe so much money to the Chinese and the Saudis, you should start learning Mandarin or Arabic. He'll have his hands tied in all the wrong locations, and overstep everywhere else. He'll further botch our relationship with the UN. And he won't rise to the occasion of handling terrorists and WMD smuggling effectively, because he'll be too blinded by his alliances with "friendly" states and greed.
D) I dislike John Kerry. I don't like his donors, his campaigning, his equivocation. But I believe that the coming crisis can make him a better person. He has shown, in the Vietnam era, that he can be taken along with the right ideas and the right movements. He is a little open to the people. That's all we need. He is a little tougher on the greedy. That's all we need. He sees an awful situation for what it is. He won't hock us further to the Chinese or the Saudis. His hands won't be tied by the agents directly involved in the petroterror and WMD smuggling operations. He'll crack down on allies, even Russia if they get too lax.
He will become great. Not FDR great, but maybe JFK great (actually greater than JFK I). Wilson great. Greater than Clinton.