USATODAY is running a headline tommorow declaring the race all but over on a day when 3 polls show a tied race. Is this a coincidense or part of a right wing attempt to steamroll Kerry out of this election. Something is seriously wrong with the Gallup orginization that is providing polls to the nations largest newspaper and Cable news outlet. this simply not possable for a legitimate poll to show a 14 point race taken during the same 3 day period 3 other polls show a tie. This needs to stop now, This is a company run by a man who's given to atleast one gOP candidate and has consistantly showed a pro-Bush bias throughout the election season by using extremely dubious survey techniques. In addition news of the results of this poll leaked
to several right wing websites prior to release.
There are 2 posaablities for this polls
performance either incompetence or fraud. Rove has always tried to establish inevitability to help his campaigns, by using Gallup he's done just that, and the media must look in the possability that if a polls results are so far "out there" yet are cited as facts perhaps an attmept is being made to create these facts for partisan purposes,. The gallup organization is located in Princeton NJ.