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I don't know about you, but I didn't have a clue this was coming up, and a HT to DU'er, Justice Is Comin
Get your TIVO's ready, or link up to C-Span 3 for a hearing of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee tomorrow morning/afternoon (1:30pm EDT/10:30am PDT).
Details after the jump.
Use of Pre-War Intelligence
Senate Democratic Policy Committee
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
ID: 193159 - 06/26/2006 - 2:00 - No Sale
Reid, Harry U.S. Senator, D-NV
Dorgan, Byron L. U.S. Senator, D-ND
Dayton, Mark U.S. Senator, D-MN
Ford, Carl Assistant Secretary (2001-2003), Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Cirincione, Joseph Senior Vice President, Center for American Progress, National Security & International Policy
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee holds an oversight hearing on how pre-war intelligence relating to Iraq was used.
Now, Justice is Comin also gives additional witnesses, in their post #15:
Lawrence Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, 2001-2005....Was totally aware of the bullshit as it was being fed to the U.N.
Paul Pillar, CIA official responsible for coordinating intelligence on Iraq, 2000-2005.... He was the head officer in charge of coordinating the intelligence from all six agencies and condensing it into the one page National Intelligence Summary for Bush. He told Bush, Iraq was YEARS away from having a nuclear weapon.
Carl Ford, Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, 2001-2003
Wayne White, State Department principal Iraq analyst, 2003-2005
Rod Barton, Senior Advisor to the Iraq Survey Group, 2003-2004
Michael Smith, reporter for the Sunday Times of London, and the first to report the existence of the so-called "Downing Street Memo.".... Bush's worst nightmare giving recorded testimony to Reid and Dorgan in the U.S. senate. Ha ha ha ha.
Joseph Cirincione, co-author of WMD in Iraq: Evidence and Implications
And smintheus just emailed me a link regarding this hearing over at RawStory.
Thanks smintheus!!
Don't forget that even if you can't see it tomorrow, for whatever reason, it's sure as shootin' they'll repeat it on C-Span or C-Span 1 soon.