Today the Democratic National Committee released a
spanish language ad featuring Congressman Silvestre Reyes to air immediately in San Diego, California and Laredo, Texas as well as in other markets where Republicans are holding
sham immigration hearings.
Today Governor Dean called for the Republicans to stop stalling and get real about immigration reform and border security:
These sham Republican hearings and President Bush's decision to cave to the right wing of his party are simply more of the Republican Party's troubling political gamesmanship on immigration reform. The truth is the American people can't trust Republicans with their security.
Governor Dean's full statement and Translated Ad below the fold...
Today Governor Dean called for the Republicans to stop stalling and get real about immigration reform and border security:
These sham Republican hearings and President Bush's decision to cave to the right wing of his party are simply more of the Republican Party's troubling political gamesmanship on immigration reform. The truth is the American people can't trust Republicans with their security. By blocking Democratic efforts to increase funds for border security, port security, the COPS program, and many other key homeland security programs, Congressional Republicans have consistently fought Democratic efforts to secure our borders and make America safer. Americans should see these so-called hearings for what they are: desperate measures from a party desperate to hold on to control.
It is time for Republicans to stop playing political games with immigration and join Democrats in fighting for comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens our borders, protects U.S. workers and their wages, reunites families and allows hard-working immigrants who pay taxes and obey the law the opportunity to earn the right to apply for the responsibilities of citizenship.
Translated Audio:
Paid for by Democratic National Committee. This communication not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The DNC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
For more than 26 years I served on the border, fighting to keep our enemies and drug dealers out. And for years in Congress, I've called on Republicans who control everything in Washington to take action to secure America's borders.
But for six years Republicans have done nothing. Worse, they have blocked Democrats' efforts to increase border security.
Now, instead of acting to secure our borders and pass immigration reform; Republicans are holding hearings, just so they can keep scapegoating immigrants. They think that's how they'll win elections in November.
We can't trust Republicans with our security or with immigration reform. Democrats want to act now.
This is Congressman Silvestre Reyes. Join Democrats in calling on Republicans to stop playing games with immigration; and start securing our borders.