Now, some would just go out and salute the news from MO-7 that
somebody filed.
But, if you do a short search on "Glenn Miller of Aurora", you'll find that he's somebody who should not get the nomination to face Roy Blunt.
For one thing, Glenn Miller, Jr. (or "Frazier Glenn Miller") has served three years in prison.
For what? Well, it ties back to this description of Miller by the SPLC:
One of the first white supremacists to use paramilitary tactics with his North Carolina-based hate group, the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which later morphed into the White Patriot Party
Yes, Frazier Glenn Miller is not somebody to praise. In fact, he's still active today (more under the fold)
The Springfield News-Leader had
a story about racist literature which was dumped on the doorsteps of people in Southwest Missouri.
And who was involved?
The publication lists Alex Linder as the publisher and Glenn Miller of Aurora as distribution director.
Now, before somebody questions this. I did a check, and the address for "Glenn Miller, Jr." (On the MO SOS site) is the address of "Frazier Miller" in the phonebook.
What to do?:
Time is on our side here. Slightly.
The filing deadline is on March 28th, which is 22 days from now.
The ideal movement would be to get one person to run for the Democratic nomination. As putting up several candidates would not provide a benefit (as there are no runoffs in Missouri)
All you need to run in Missouri is a $200 filing fee, a voter ID card*, and proof of identity (voter ID, drivers license, birth certificate)
More information is here
(* - I'm pretty sure that a voter ID card is not a photo ID card. I have a Voter ID card in my wallet, and I also don't have to present it to vote)
So, obviously, Southwest Missouri Democrats should not just let a convicted criminal and a racist take the Democratic Party nomination in the 7th district without a challenge.
The goal is pretty obvious: Don't let Glenn Miller win the nomination. He may want to run for office as a Democrat, but he shouldn't get that nomination.