I visited the Dean BlogforAmerica and found out today how the Opt 'In/Out' vote went.
I liked the way they framed their announcement. They had a 'Declaration of Independence' from Special Interest money. The vote of over one hundred thousand Dean backers was to forgo Federal matching funds (Opt: 85 Out to 15 In) and raise Dean campaign money from Dean supporters.
No matter what you think of Dean personally or as a candidate, the fundraising and campaign are being well run.
The Dean campaign also gets my vote for 'resource conservation'! Even though they have the most money in the bank, they are husbanding their resouces for the big fight against George W(histleAss) Bush.
According to the postings I read the average contribution has been about $77 and then I read that the average contribution was $116, I am assuming that they meant the contributions that were collected along with the 'Opt In/Out' ballot.
I also noticed that Dean is only talking about campaigning against George W. Bush and is silent on the other candidates.
It would seem to me that the Dean is starting to get ready for the 'long, hard slog' to 'Dump King George'.
Disclaimer: I am an early Dean backer and contributor. I am still interested in Wes Clark, but I am pretty sure that it will come down to Dean/Clark or Clark/Dean as a Dem 'dream ticket'.