President Bush,
We respect your
threat to veto the $442B Defense bill - your apparent realization that if our actual detainee practices are revealed to the world, it will be clear that our Defense expenditures are
not making Americans safer and that they should not be funded.
Most of the activities indicated in the budget table below actually interfere with our safety and should have all their funding suspended immediately.
Thanks for your cooperation,
Untold numbers of U.S. Citizens
All costs shown below are highly approximate. All activities shown are very real.
Halliburton and Custer Battles no-bid Contracts 110B
CACI and Blackwater no-bid Interrogation Contracts 14B
Critical Night Vision Goggles for US Soldiers 7B
Optional Glow Sticks for Iraqi Army in Training 1B
Bounties to people who will claim a neighbor is an insurgent 2B
Bribes to people who will report WMDs or weapons programs 5B
Compensation for Civilian Collateral Damage Victims 0B
Payments for Allawi and Jafari campaigns 8B
Payments directly to Allawi, Jafari, Talabani, and Chalabi 22B
Overtime Payments for Airport Nighttime Flights/Coffin Loading 1B
Collection Agents for Veteran Amputee Meal Receivables 7B
Permanent Intelligence Staff 1B
Expendable Undercover Intelligence Staff 24B
Middle East Undercover Intelligence Staff 0.01B
Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, SEAL Personnel 42B
National Guard and Ready Reserve 30B
Weapons and Ammo 40B
Hoods, Tie Cuffs, Electrodes classified
Arabic Language Training 0.01B
BountiesBonuses for New Recruits 12B
Stop-Loss and U.S. vs Soldier Litigation Costs 2B
Unarmored Military Vehicles 60B
After-Market Vehicle Armor 10B
Phone costs for anonymous disinfo to journalists for steno 2B
Intelligence Staff to fire/discredit if they report truth 24B
Intelligence Staff to give medals/promotions if they lie 3B