I have been demanding a federal investigation of the "CBS Papers" which emerged last September. Are they real or not? America needs to know for sure! So far it hasn't been proven yes or no by any official investigation but most people think they're forged. This is according to plan: the Bush administration wants people to think these are forged but doesn't want to prove it.
If you look at this document:
http://www.awolbush.com/documents/BushGuardmay4.pdf you will see that, if false, someone typed the letterhead of a USAF (ANG) unit on a piece of paper, falsified important offical information about a USAF (ANG) officer (now President!) and FORGED THE SIGNATURE OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER!!
This is a FEDERAL crime! Forgery of public, federal documents!
see below the fold.
Why then was there no official investigation? That is what I am determnined to publicize.
The appropriate and responsible people to determine whether these papers are false or not are the USAF Inspector General (IG), the DoD Inspector General and the USAF Office of Special Investigations (OSI) because they purport to be official USAF documents--direct written orders, as the one cited does and other official USAF communications.
The USAF and the federal government evaded their duty to investigate these papers as possible forgeries and prosecute any wrong doing, even though this documents purports to be an official USAF aeronautical order. This SHOULD have been done when these papers emerged in September 2004.
Representative Peter De Fazio forwarded this report to the USAF IG and the OSI for me. It is lengthy but will give clear meaning to the papers and the situation.
What we have here are allegedly forged documents that the federal government refuses to prove or disprove, although they have the capacity--AND THE DUTY to do so.
My goal is to get this on line verbatim so that I can refer to it later in further conversations.
Whether you believe the papers are real or not, the important thing to focus on is that the USAF and federal government refuse to verify or deny that these are real--and its their duty to do so. Why haven't they investigated these papers as forgeries if they want the world to think theyre forged? This report will answer that and other questions.
I only hope that someone somewhere uses this information as it should be used and that ultimately there will be an offical investigation of these papers
further diaries on thbis subject can be seen at:
Should anyone want more information, I can be reached at concernedexlrrp@hotmail.com
And An Analysis Of the USAF's Evasion of Duty
This report is written to explain and illuminate the relevance of these papers: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2004-09-09bushdocs.pdf which CBS brought into public awareness last September. They will be referred to here as "the CBS papers" although they are--or purport to be--copies of the Public Record, owned by all Americans.
The USAF and the DoD must recognize that the CBS papers represent--or purport to represent--official USAF documents. They must recognize their responsibilities and duties to protect the Public Record, the USAF and the American public from forgery and fraud and they must investigate these papers and prosecute any wrongdoing concerning them. It is their duty, it is their mission and it is the law.
Once there has been a determination that these are official USAF documents that come under the jurisdiction of the USAF and its investigative agencies the duty of the USAF and the Department of Defense is chrystal clear: they must investigate these papers and prosecute any wrongdoing that may have occurred. If they continue to evade their duty in this matter they must tell the American people why they do so.
In this report evidence will be presented that proves:
1)That the CBS papers are federal documents, specifically copies of USAF (ANG) official orders and communications--not "private papers" of Col Killian as has been portrayed in the media and press.
2)That the Federal government, specifically the USAF, is responsible to prove or disprove these papers And that the Federal government and specifically the USAF and DoD can prove or disprove these papers very easily.
3)That George Bush, his top aides and his surviving chain of command all know whether the papers are real or not and have elected instead to hide that knowledge from the public. There are many people in the USAF who also know the truth about these papers, keeping it hidden from the American public
4)That the CBS papers, if real , taken in conjunction with George Bush's other posted military documents prove crimes committed by his superiors including falsification of official documents, defrauding the government and conspiracy. One of his superiors (Col Jerry Killian) actually confesses to a crime or crimes in one of them. (i.e: "I will backdate but not rate...") a crime that is obvious in the official papers of George Bush.
5)That the order for George Bush to take his physical, the original suspension order from Killian and Bush's acknowledgement were illegally removed from Bush's personnel file and that George Bush and his aides know this.
6)That regardless of whether the CBS papers are real or not, George Bush's records have been falsified by his superiors, that he was paid fraudulently and discharged fraudulently. This report, along with the report by Gerald Lechliter ( http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/opinion/lechliter.pdf ) proves these charges beyond a shadow of a doubt. Federal crimes were committed, including falsification and alteration of official documents, fraudulent discharge, fraud and conspiracy. The USAF was and is well aware of this fraud yet has elected to do nothing about it.
7)That Mr Bill Burkett furnished CBS with copies of official documents that were either forged, if false--or stolen, if real. Yet the federal government has apparently never even interviewed Mr Bill Burkett to determine where these documents really came from or if there were any more.
The CBS papers emerged into public view in September 2004. At that time, CBS and every other news agency started calling them "private papers of Col Jerry Killian" as if they were kept in some secret journal and only dealt with his private thoughts. Amazingly, the White House, the US Air Force and the entire country bought this theory although this disintegrates as soon as the papers are examined. Amazingly they allowed the papers to be "disproven" in the media and internet without one single word of denial, confirmation or explanation on their part although they wanted the world to think they were false. Amazingly they let several people in CBS lose their jobs and careers without one single word of confirmation or denial of these papers on the part of the USAF when the USAF has and always has had the capacity to prove or disprove these papers officially. The federal government acted as if there was no connection to itself in the CBS Papers and that the Papers were some kind of internal problem of CBS to be resolved with a few firings. By doing this, the federal government, especially the USAF, shirked and evaded their clear cut duty to investigate these papers as possible forgeries and prosecute any wrong doing.
This is even more amazing because if the papers are false, as the government wants America to believe, it indicates serious federal crimes: forgery of federal documents. Why then does the federal government hide behind the ridiculous claim that these are "private documents of Col Killian" instead of finding out the truth about them?
What the papers purport to be are copies of official USAF documents: two direct, written orders with letterhead of a USAF (ANG) unit, over the signature of a federal military commander: an order for George Bush to take his physical, a suspension order/ communication concerning Bush's flight suspension and other internal memos concerning the suspension, all allegedly written by Col Jerry Killian, the unit's commander. These documents refer to known historical incidents: Bush's suspension on the day mentioned in the suspension order and his refusal to obey a direct order to take his physical. The remaining documents give evidence of a conspiracy by Bush's superiors to falsify his record in order to, as Killian allegedly writes, "sugarcoat" Bush's dereliction of refusing to take his physical. "Sugarcoating" anything in the military, needless to say, is illegal if it involves falsification of official documents.
Whether the CBS papers are real or not, they indicate that serious federal crimes have been committed. If forged, these papers libel George Bush, his superiors and the USAF by implicating them in specific crimes: failure to obey a direct order, falsification and/or alteration of federal documents, dereliction of duty, failure to follow proper prescribed regulations and procedures. and conspiracy to do these things..
And if real, they prove these crimes did occur and went undetected and unpunished--a complete breakdown of USAF discipline, procedure and accountability. There is also indication of fraud, both monetary and statutory when their connection to the established record is examined. If these papers are real, they prove that Bush and his superiors committed federal crimes with impunity, with little or no oversight. The conspiracy may stretch all the way up to the highest ranks of the USAF, through their negligence in enforcing USAF rules and regulations for political purposes and to avoid their own and the USAF's embarrassment. This is called: Corruption at the Highest Levels.
This is why these particular papers came into the public eye, put there by Mr Bill Burkett: to incriminate George Bush and his superiors. They indicate serious federal crimes having been committed and gone unpunished. And the response of those named was not to have them proven false officially and any wrongdoing punished, it was to have internet "bloggers" disprove them instead and to ignore the implications of crimes committed like forgery of federal documents and libel.
The fact is that the CBS papers, far from being "private papers of Col Killian" as has been suggested in the media, are, or purport to be, federal documents, specifically copies of official USAF orders and official USAF communications. This is their only meaning, they can not be construed as anything else. The USAF and DoD must recognize their duty and responsibility to confirm or deny copies of their own documents.
The papers' federal status is is readily and easily discernible by studying their content. Three of them have letterhead of a USAF (ANG) unit, the 111th FIS, they purport to be official business concerning USAF activities and they are signed or initialed by the commander of the 111th FIS in performance of his duties as commander of that unit. This indisputably makes them federal documents, part of the Public Record. The others are internal memos describing different aspects of official USAF business. As such, the USAF must prove or disprove them if they are to maintain the integrity of their documents.
(I am aware of the organizational differences between the USAF and the ANG but they are federal units and come under the jurisdiction of the UCMJ and the Air Force Manual . ANG wears the same uniform as the USAF, they are paid from federal monies and USAF is written on the sides of their airplanes and other equipment. The regulations and crimes referred to here are the same for both organizations. The USAF is responsible for the ANG and in the interest of brevity I am referring to them all as simply USAF. If there is a jurisdictional dispute as to who is specifically responsible for the CBS papers then this must be settled.)
The letterhead, content, and signatures of these papers makes them federal documents, specifically USAF documents: written, direct orders, and it is the duty of the USAF and its agencies to investigate any wrongdoing concerning them and to prosecute that wrongdoing where appropriate. This neither the USAF, nor any other government agency, has done, which is truly remarkable. They should have done this immediately and officially but they did not. Apparently they want this all forgotten as soon as possible, regardless of the serious crimes committed, of which they must be well aware.
There is no rational scenario by which these papers can be called "private papers of Col Killian" as if they had no connection to other documents and events or to the USAF or as if the federal government had no responsibility for them. There can be no rational argument on this point at all. Killian certainly would not have written orders and communications about George Bush to himself as the "private papers" argument would have it. The military is not a loose collection of individuals writing orders and memos to themselves, it is an orderly chain of interlinked responsibility with confirmations at every level. Others in the chain of command saw these orders and memos or the real ones if these are false, and signed for them including then-Col Bobby Hodges and then-Major Rufus Martin, according to documents they signed. They, along with George W Bush knew as soon as they looked at them whether the CBS papers were real or not but gave misleading answers when asked--another indication that the papers are real. Bush, Martin and Hodges should have insisted on an official investigation right away if they thought the papers were forged and the USAF should have done it anyway. It is not an option for the USAF to enforce their own rules and regulations and the laws of the United States, it is their duty--which they have clearly evaded for reasons that are obvious.
Responsibility for this evasion of duty must be held to the highest levels.
If the CBS Papers are federal documents, then it goes without saying that the federal government is responsible for them, to maintain their integrity and prosecute any wrongdoing concerning them. They are part of the Public Record, this is the law. They purport to be official USAF orders written to and about George Bush by his commanding officer, therefore the responsibility--and the duty-- to prove or disprove them lies with the federal government and its agencies which have been tasked for these duties: specifically in this case the USAF Inspector General, the USAF Office of Special Investigations and the Inspector General of the Department of Defense. There is no public evidence that this has been done or even attempted.
This is truly amazing, almost unbelievable, because if anybody in the world should want to see these papers investigated and wrongdoing concerning them punished, it is the US Air Force and even more so George Bush. If forged, these papers libel George Bush, and other USAF officers, in the extreme by saying he was ordered to take his physical when he wasn't, falsifies his official flight suspension and implicates his superiors ( and by extension Bush himself) in a conspiracy to alter his records and defraud the government.
Why wouldn't someone want allegedly forged records concerning himself investigated and crimes prosecuted--if the papers are forged? Why doesn't the USAF want to resolve this officially? This is a real indication that the papers are real: if forged the USAF and Bush (who has known whether they were true or false all along) would have insisted on an investigation and prosecution. Curiously they have elected instead to sweep this under the rug, evading their clear cut duty to find the truth about official documents by allowing "bloggers" to decide this important national issue when they have had the capacity to do so all along.
They can not be allowed to get away with this--federal laws have been broken and this should be treated as a simple matter of law enforcement: investigation and, if appropriate, prosecution of wrong doing. That's the law! And the law applies to everyone equally--or America needs to see it in writing from those responsible to enforce the law.
These are federal documents, specifically USAF documents, (which must be well known in the USAF) and the USAF and the Department of Defense must stop evading their duty to the American people and prove or disprove these papers once and for all and prosecute any wrongdoing concerning them.
Such an investigation would be short, easy and final. Every person named in these documents still living, along with Mr Bill Burkett and Ms Helen Knox, should be interviewed under oath concerning their parts in this matter. It is shocking that this has not been done already and not done immediately. Although the USAF and other federal agencies have the capacity to settle this forensically, the testimony, under oath, of the participants should be enough to settle the matter and should be required. Compelled under oath if necessary.
Simple questions need to be asked and answered for the good of America and the USAF, such as: was George Bush ordered to take his physical and is this the real order? http://www.awolbush.com/documents/BushGuardmay4.pdf Did Col Jerry Killian suspend George Bush on 1 Aug 1972 and is this his original order? http://www.awolbush.com/documents/BushGuardaugust1.pdf Is this the order Col Hodges and Major Martin signed for as confirming on 9/5/72 and was later also confirmed by ARPC on 9/22/72? If these documents are real, why are they not in George Bush's personnel file and who removed them illegally?
Further questions to be asked are: Who quashed the flight review board called for by every one of Bush's superiors and why was it quashed? Alternatively a report could have been issued--where is this report and if it wasn't written, why not? Why wasn't Bush disciplined for refusing to take his physical? What is the explanation for the falsified OETR of 1972-73 and Killian's confession of the falsification in the CBS papers ("...I will backdate but won't rate...") How did George Bush get paid for 8 days in Jan and Apr 1973 when his superiors say he wasn't there and no other units records show his attendance? Isn't this fraud?
It is virtually inconceivable that by now the USAF does not know whether these papers are false and does not have the capacity to investigate and prosecute the wrongdoing inherent in them. The USAF maintains extensive facilities in conjunction with other military services explicitly for the detection, investigation and prosecution of possibly forged or falsified military documents. Every federal agency has these facilities and rightfully so--it is the job, the duty, the responsibility of the federal government to maintain the integrity of its documents. This is not an option, they are required to do so.
Why have these resources never been put to use in this case? This is the most notorious and well known case of allegedly forged USAF documents in history, these documents have been, and are, readily available through many media outlets and the internet and have been broadcast on national TV many times. What has been the rationale for the federal government ignoring their true meaning? The notion that they are Killian's "private papers" is specious, with no basis in fact. Killian was not acting in a vacuum, he did not write these orders to himself. Other people in his chain of command saw and confirmed them as other documents describe.
It is unbelievable that these documents have not been scrutinized by any official agency, yet the fact remains. The USAF has allowed these documents to remain in the public awareness as forgeries without any investigation or prosecution on their part at all, not even an apparent attempt.
This can hardly be explained by accident or mindless negligence, it was certainly intentional.This constitutes dereliction of duty to the American people --the USAF's duty to maintain the integrity of its documents and the people responsible for this dereliction must be held accountable to the American people. Americans should have had the true information concerning these papers in their hands when they went to the polls last November. It is no stretch of the truth or imagination to say that the USAF's dereliction of duty in this matter changed the course of history. That has to be the reason that the USAF shirked and evaded their duty in this matter and it is truly reprehensible.
It is impossible to believe that this author is the only one who has looked closely at these papers nor the only one who understands their true meaning. This is a firm indication that the papers are real: if the USAF thought these were forged they'd have investigated and prosecuted this case long ago. The fact that they haven't speaks loudly toward their awareness of the political damage to be done here--yet the fact remains that they must enforce the law equally no matter who it applies to, no matter how embarrassing for them it may be. This is America, which must run under the rule of law, and the law must be applied equally or the people responsible to enforce it should resign immediately if they choose not to perform their duty for whatever reason.
This has evidently been the case and if these papers are proven to be federal USAF documents under the jurisdiction of the IG and OSI then the USAF and the DoD's Inspector Generals, along with their staffs, should resign immediately because they have failed to do their clear cut duty. They have failed America and Americans when America most needed their services-- last fall. It can hardly be assumed that this evasion of their duty was accidental or coincidental.
George Bush knows right now whether these documents are real or not and has known the whole time since their emergence, as do his closest aides, yet curiously has only said that "he doesn't remember seeing them." This is not a denial by a man looking at papers about himself that he knows or thinks to be forged. If they are real, he's known about them since 1972. He was suspended from flying by Col Killian on Aug 1st, 1972, he did discuss this face to face with Col Killian and he did sign for the receipt of his suspension orders, acknowledging "...date and time of receipt.." (AFM35-13 para 2-10b). Either this happened just as described here or Col Killian was extremely derelict in his duties--regulations required all of this.
George Bush had to sign for receipt of the original orders that Killian had ready for him to sign on Aug 1st, 1972 according to regulation AFM35-13 para 2-10 and that acknowledgement, along with the original orders, should be in his files. Killian read him his orders ("..Verbal orders from the cmdr..." http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/grounded.gif ) and discussed them with Bush. Therefore, Bush has to know every detail about this suspension and the orders, what the orders said and what Col Killian said about them. He would therefore know whether the CBS papers are real or not--and has from the very beginning. There is no believable scenario in which he could not know what the original orders said and contained and would therefore not know a faked copy when he saw one. Certainly as the most powerful man in the world with complete control of the federal government and all of its agencies, he could have had it looked into if he was not sure. Alternatively, if unsure, he could have asked Martin or Hodges--they both saw and signed for the original orders also.
Yet Col Killian's original suspension orders to George Bush--the ones Bush had to sign for by regulation and have in his personnel file .are missing from Bush's files thus far posted. Removal of these documents is a crime: altering official USAF records. (18 USC #2071) This is most likely the reason that George Bush's military files were completely scrambled when released to the public- to confuse analysis by hiding what isn't there, and to obscure what is there. There's no other logical reason for scrambling a record that is allegedly an honorable record. This personnel record was not kept in such a completely disorganized fashion, its not how records are kept in the military about its Commander in Chief (or anyone else.)
The two confirmation documents are there but, suspiciously not the original that Bush did sign for. And George Bush and his aides know full well about the absence of these documents, again there's no reasonable scenario in which they couldn't. They know every detail of Bush's career so they know for sure whether Bush was ordered to take his physical or not--and they've never denied it, even when asked directly.
In the confirmation document dated 9/22/72, the order states: "....Verbal orders of the cmdr on 1 Aug 72 suspending ..George W Bush...are confirmed...." Every single USAF officer reading this, and virtually anyone with military experience, knows that this means that George Bush stood before his commanding officer, face to face, on 1st Aug72 and received his suspension. Col Killian had to have Bush's orders ready for him, by regulation AFM 35-13 para 2-10 and 2-20b, to sign on that date and did.
This "cmdr" [commander] had to be Killian because then-Col Hodges, the next up in the chain of command, gives his own separate confirmation dated Sep 5th, 1972. This could not be the original suspension order because it is dated over a month after the event and regulation AFM 35-13 2-10 requires that the orders about changes in aeronautical status be received by the individual "...on or before the effective date..." It also has no statement about "Verbal orders" being given. Ergo: someone else gave the verbal orders--who else would do this besides Killian?
In addition, AFM 35-13 2-10b2 requires that "...the unit personnel record copy of an aeronautical order....be acknowledged by the person concerned, to indicate time and date of receipt of orders..."
By these regulations, the personnel copy of the order had to be signed by Bush and placed in his personnel file. This either was not done or the copy was removed--either one of these is a serious breach of USAF rules and regulations and if they were removed from the file a serious crime has occurred--altering of official USAF documents. Mr Bill Burkett has given public testimony about exactly this [to be covered later in this report] but has, to public knowledge, never been questioned officially nor have his charges ever been resolved. The USAF would rather ignore them as they evidently want to ignore this whole issue by pretending that these are "private papers of Col Killian."
If the papers are found to be real, then the copies of the order for Bush to take his physical, Killian's original suspension order and Bush's acknowledgement of them had to be in Bush's files by law. They have evidently been removed--this is another of the crimes concerning these documents that must be investigated and resolved--and prosecuted.
Again, there's no logical scenario in which George Bush and his aides wouldn't know if they were real or not--they know every detail of his life and career. Who else would know the details of his own career better than George W Bush? If these documents are real, they've known about them all of Bush's life since the 1970's. If false, they would have known right away. Yet they elected not to deny these documents were real when presented to them and only had them "disproven" by their "bloggers" when they had all the resources of the federal government to do it for them. This is a huge hoax designed to mislead.This is not how someone would act if presented with documents about himself that he knew or suspected to be false, especially iun a close fought election.
The CBS papers with their links to George Bush's posted documents, if real, reveal some of the crimes committed by Bush's chain of command in falsifying his documents, defrauding the government and conspiracy. They name specific names: Staudt, Hodges, Killian and Harris, (the last two are deceased.) If these are false, these men have been libeled, along with George Bush, by implicating them in a conspiracy to alter Bush's official documents and evade their duty to discipline Bush
The basis for this statement is in the last 2 documents of the six CBS papers cited above, specifically the signed memo to the unknown entity (which has to be Bobby Hodges--was this obscured in the copying?) and the last, known as the CYA document.
CYA is a Vietnam War era term meaning to "Cover Your Ass"; i.e. a warning to watch out for one's self in times of danger. Why would Killian write a CYA document if what he was doing was legitimate? One doesn't keep a CYA document if one has done the right thing, it's to cover one's self when crimes are revealed. From the content and tone of these memos it can be assumed that Killian was being pressured to, as he calls it, "sugarcoat," [i.e. falsify] the OETR (Officer's Effectiveness Training Report) of George Bush for the year 1972-73. Why was this done if the flight suspension was done for a legitimate, non punitive reason?
This OETR document is available on the internet at:
Page one: http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc4.gif
Page two: http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc9.gif
What Killian agrees to do , on the last page of the CBS documents cited, the "CYA"document, "http://www.awolbush.com/documents/BushGuardaugust18.pdf", is agree to backdate Bush's exit from his unit on this OETR and not rate him as a pilot. "...I will backdate but I won't rate..." : In this case "backdating but not rating" is a federal crime: falsification of federal USAF documents and Killian is confessing to it here.
By this we can infer that he was under pressure from his superiors to rate Bush as a pilot but he clearly could not honestly do so--Bush hadn't flown that whole year, in fact had been suspended from flying for 8 months of it. His unit's records show Bush wasn't there that whole year. So he agreed to "backdate but not rate." It was the farthest he could go to "sugarcoat" the OETR.
Killian, in the OETR, states: "Lt Bush has not been observed at this unit during the time of this report.....He cleared this base on 15th May 1972..." This statement is completely false. Col Killian backdated Bush's exit from his unit to May 15th instead of giving the true date of Bush's exit: Sep 15th, the day Bush's "orders" (most probably illegal) are dated: http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc11.gif
This is a serious federal crime--a military commander can't enter information on an official form that he knows to be false. Killian was committing a crime by letting the report go out over his name. filled with information that was demonstrably false--information he knew to be false. Thus the CYA document: Killian was jeopardizing his whole career by falsifying Bush's documents and he knew it. That's why he wrote the CYA document. It is also why Killian and Harris didn't sign the OETR like they'd so eagerly signed the first two OETRs
Why did he know for sure that it was false? There is a 10 or more document paper trail showing George Bush was in Killian's unit, under his command during this time, some with Killian's signature on them.
Documents like these:
http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc7.gif Bush's first request for transfer 5/21/72
http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc5.gif AFHQ's disallowal of transfer (date obscured, certainly early June 72)
http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc2.gif Bush's 2d request for transfer 9/5/72 (note that this one is a personal; note, not an official request. This did not go through proper channels, was not approved by AFHQ and was illegal therefore. This itself should have launched an investigation as soon as it was revealed)
http://www.usatoday.com/news/bushdocs/11-4_2004_Personnel_File.pdf (Document #11) Hodges and Martin's confirmation of Killian's suspension document. (this can't be the original suspension order: the date is over a month after the event occurred and it makes no mention of Verbal orders being given. Regulation para 2-10 AFM35-13 requires it to be done "...on or before the effective date...") [see: http://www.glcq.com/regs/35-13_1971.pdf The USAF IG will know all about this already
http://www.usatoday.com/news/bushdocs/11-4_2004_Personnel_File.pdf AFHQ's confirmation of Killian's original order 9/22/72 The sentence "Verbal orders of the Cmdr on 1 Aug 1972 suspending ....George Bush...from flying status are confirmed..." puts George Bush and Col Jerry Killian in the same room on August 1st, 1972 handling Bush's flight suspension, on a duty [i.e.paid] day for both of them. Killian would not have phoned Bush about this nor dropped it over the top of his cubicle. Killian wrote or had written suspension orders for Bush, dated on or before Aug 1, 1972, concerning this incident, had Bush sign for them and sent a memo up the chain of command to his superiors, This is regulations (para 2-10b AFM 35-13)The two confirming documents prove this--it is what they are confirming.
These five documents, and others not cited here, prove that Bush was under Killian's command for at least the first 4 months of the year that Killian says he wasn't there. During the time Killian said he wasn't there, Killian suspended him from flying on Aug 1st, 1972 and approved his requests for transfer twice, the last time on Sep 5th, 1972 so Killian knew for sure that this statement was false--this is why he did not sign it like he had signed Bush's 2 previous OETRs. There's no signature confirmation from then-Col Bobby Hodges or Harris either, like on the other two OETRs.
Killian also falsifies Bush's job in his unit. "Pilot.Fighter interceptor Squadron level. Pilots F102 type aircraft and performs airborne intercepts as required by assigned missions..." Killian knew that George Bush had not flown this whole year but does not include that information nor does he include the fact that he had suspended Bush in this year--yet these facts are critical for rating a pilots performance. He and Harris were trying to create the false impression, using official documents, that Bush had not lost his pilot's status this year. This is also falsifying of USAF official documents. This discrepancy, and others, is noted in a subsequent AF communication asking for corrections on this report: http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/doc12.gif What was the outcome of this request for more information?
There is no doubt that Killian committed the crime of falsifying official USAF documents to defraud the government on this form--and the CYA document is his confession of the crime. That is why the USAF must prove or disprove these papers--this is clear indication of a federal crime and it is their duty to investigate and prosecute crimes against the USAF and, by extension, America.
Why did he do it? The regulations required him to suspend Bush on Aug 1st "...the first day of the month following his birth month..." [AFM35-13 para 2-29m] What Killian (and Hodges and Martin and others) were evidently trying to do is indicate that Bush had left their unit before he was required to take his physical, before they had suspended him--in this way they evaded their responsibility of disciplining Bush which regulations required them to do. This was dereliction of duty and defrauding the government on their parts.
Hodges and Martin are still alive (as is Bush) and can give direct eyewitness testimony to this , they were as involved in the falsification of documents and coverup as Killian as the CBS papers imply. Their confirmation of Killian's suspension of Bush proves they saw the original orders and they did talk to Killian about it. They are as responsible for this as much as Killian.
So the federal authorities have evidence of the crime and Killian's confession, if the papers are real, therefore, and implications that the conspiracy reached higher levels. Killian was not doing this in a vacuum, as the "private papers" theory has it, the papers indicate he consulted his superiors about this, that there was dialogue between him and his superiors about this. Killian and Harris DID falsify this OETR document, the evidence is ironclad. The crime exists, as does the confession. And any discussion he had with his superiors about this constitutes conspiracy to defraud the USAF, the federal government and the American people..
A further mystifying fact is that there is no record of George Bush's attendance during this time in the records of the 111th nor in his pay records [ http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/gwbush/gwb72-73milpay-p1.html ]for the first 6 months of this period (Apr 15--Oct 28.) Yet August 1st, 1972, the day of Bush's suspension should have been a duty day (i.e. a paid day) for Bush and Killian and there should be a record of this event in the 111th `s records but there is not. There is no paperwork to explain this, although the evidence is clear in the publicly posted records that Bush was indeed under the command of Killian, Harris and Hodges at this time and that Killian did suspend Bush on that day. This is evidence of falsification and/or illegal manipulations of USAF records.Were these events handled "under the table?" That is also against AF regulations, a major military violation.
These discrepancies must be explained, they indicate further falsification of USAF documents. There can be no doubt that the surviving chain of command--Hodges and Martin--know every detail of this matter. They must be put under oath and made to explain these discrepancies. If there was any negotiation about this or if Killian was in any way told, or urged, to "sugarcoat" the suspension or to "backdate but not rate" this is direct proof of a conspiracy to defraud the government by him and his superiors.
The falsification of this document has even more serious implications when the circumstances are investigated further. If, as Killian says in the OETR and in the CBS papers: "...Neither Lt. Col Harris or I feel we can rate 1st Lt. Bush since he was not training with 111th F.I.S. since April 1972..." is true, then it almost certainly proves that fraud was committed.
Notice that the date he gives: April 1972, is completely false, as is the date on the OETR. There's no question Bush was in his unit until Sep, 1972.
But if the rest of the statement is true--that Bush wasn't in his unit for the rest of that year--as records show-- then where was Bush and what was Bush paid for doing on Jan 4,5,6,8,9,10 1973 and April 7& 8 1973 ? [pay records, ibid]
There is no record in either of the units that Bush was allegedly attending that he ever showed up at all. How then was Bush paid for these days? (And also days in Oct and Nov 1972) What did he do and where did he do it? These questions have never been answered or even addressed by the USAF and federal government--to the best of public knowledge, yet these days must be substantiated. If, as Killian says in the CBS papers and the OETR, and the records show, Bush was not in his unit and if there is no record of him ever attending the Alabama unit, then how was Bush paid for these days? What did he do to earn the dollars the taxpayers paid him?
If , as the records show, Bush did not attend training in either of these units on these days ( or others) and he cashed the checks for doing so, then he, along with his superiors committed fraud against the US government by taking pay for work he did not perform. Who authorized pay for these days, and for doing what where? If Bush was not there and someone authorized pay for him , then this is also fraud!
The implications of fraud go even further: some of these days were counted as duty days in figuring Bush's discharge points--if they are fraudulent, then so is Bush's discharge. And the people who did the paperwork knew--and know--all about the fraud.
The USAF should have investigated and prosecuted any wrongdoing concerning this matter and it is easy to discern why they have not done so yet: apparently a complete lack of discipline and accountability on the part of the USAF and a desire to avoid unit disgrace. But federal laws have been broken and their duty to investigate and prosecute is clear.
Attention must now focus on the 2d of the CBS papers--the order to take the physical. It is ridiculous to even suggest that George Bush didn't know immediately whether this was real or not--either the event happened or it didn't and either this is the order for it or it isn't. He was indisputably there if this event happened and not there if it didn't. Who else would know better than George Bush?
Killian knew that Bush was going to have trouble passing his physical--that is the meaning of the first of the CBS papers where Killian inquires of Harris as to Bush (and Bath's) physical status. ( What was Harris's answer to this?)So Killian undoubtedly knew in advance that Bush was going to have trouble with his physical.
Bush's problems with his physical began on the 1st of May, 1972. He then had a 3 month "window" to accomplish the physical. A USAF officer would not usually be ordered to take his physical--unless the commander believed that he was not going to do so. Then he would directly order him to do it so that there would be no doubt and as a lead-in for further charges .A military pilot can't decide not to take his mandatory physical, nor quit flying because he wants to play politics in another state. Like every other military serviceman, he serves at the orders of his superiors. Bush's entire chain of command and his duty required him to take the physical. His, and his aides, attempts to explain away his failure to do so are ludicrous--that he wanted his own doctor to do it, that his plane was becoming obsolete.
When one reads the OETR of the year 1971--72, dated AFTER Bush quit flying, Col Killian states: "...Lt Bush should remain in his present assignment..." [flying F102a's] There is no official reason for Bush's failure to take his physical given in any of his papers. His superiors wanted and expected him to continue in the job that Americans paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to train him to do: fly F102a's.
George Bush evidently felt that his reasons for failing to take his physical were so urgent and important that he was willing lose his coveted pilots status and to refuse to take the physical--and did so, as this order, if real, proves.
Consider the order itself: http://www.awolbush.com/documents/BushGuardmay4.pdf
If this order is in any way false, then someone typed the letterhead of a USAF (ANG) unit, the 111th FIS on a piece of papers, falsified official information about a USAF (ANG) officer (now President of the United States) and then forged the signature of the 111th's commanding officer on it. It is almost inconceivable that the USAF has never investigated this--this is the most high profile case of allegedly forged USAF documents in history, involving a sitting President of the United States.
It would be virtually impossible to pass off an order as genuine for an event that didn't happen when George Bush and his aides have known every detail of his career for decades. Why then, would someone forge an order for an event that never happened? The answer is this event did happen: George Bush did not deny this event occurred when asked directly by the Asociated Press in September 2004. "...The White House did not answer whether Bush disobeyed a direct order to take the exam...." [ http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/30/politics/main646621.shtml ] That this line is the 2d to last line in a lengthy article is not accidental or coincidental. It should have been the headline.
George Bush would have answered that question negatively if there was any way he could. The fact is he could not--which is why these papers have never been investigated nor proven false in an official investigation that the gravity of the situation demands: allegedly forged papers that, if false, libel a sitting President of The United States.
Ms Helen Knox, interviewed by CBS on national TV, said that she had typed orders for George Bush to take his physical but that this wasn't it. This testimony alone should have initiated an investigation by the USAF. What she clearly was saying is that someone had forged this document. What is that but a serious federal crime? Yet the USAF continued to ignore this whole matter.
If the order to take his physical is real, then the following document, CBS paper #3, Killian's record of a conversation with Bush is also real. If Bush disobeyed the direct written order to take his physical--which he did--then he had broken military law and regulations required an investigation into why he did not and then disciplinary proceedings would take place.
Killian laid the groundwork for this with the direct order. This was part of USAF procedure for when a pilot failed to take his physical--after disobeying a direct order to take it, failure becomes refusal.
This conversation details some pusillanimous conduct on the part of Lt Bush--a pilot can't "get out" of coming to drills illegally. If these papers are real, they show that Bush's suspension was not at the will of his superiors; he refused to take his physical for what can only be assumed to be fear of what it might reveal. And it can be derived from these papers that his superiors colluded with him every step of the way--in fact led him in trying to obtain an illegal transfer and falsification of his documents.
America had the right to expect that he would do the whole 6 year MSO that he had signed up for and been trained for--yet when he didn't want to take his physical, his superiors colluded with him to aid him in evading his duty. By doing this they committed military crimes of their own.
Attention must now focus on document #4 of the CBS papers: the purported flight suspension of George Bush by Col Jerry Killian: http://www.awolbush.com/documents/BushGuardaugust1.pdf
This event did happen, the 2 confirmation documents cited confirm that it did happen and the regulations already cited prove it had to happen on that day. Col Killian did write orders of suspension for Bush and Bush did sign for the orders Killian gave him ( "...CBPO-SA will insure that the unit personnel record copy of an aeronautical order...be acknowledged by the person concerned, to indicate time and date of the receipt of orders..." para 2-10b AFM 35-13) . Killian did write a memo or some official communications to his superiors, as the confirmation documents confirm--its what they're confirming. Is this the order? George Bush, his aides and the USAF know for sure. It is the only representation of that order yet to emerge and it has never been proven false yet. Was there a separate suspension order signed for by Bush and is this a memo to Killian's superiors concerning the incident? Where is the copy of the order that Bush signed for and his signed acceptance of the order?
If Killian failed to do any of this, he was derelict in his duty. Killian was well known as a real professional, it passes belief that he did not do these things. Ergo, a copy of Killian's original orders to Bush, that Bush should have signed for, is required to be in the official personnel file. There is no original order from Killian in Bush's personnel file as released so far nor the required acknowledgement of receipt, yet according to regulation para 2-10b AFM 35-13 [ibid]one is required to be there, as is Bush's signed acceptance indicating time and date of receipt of orders.
Whether the CBS papers are real or not, this charge still stands: whoever removed these documents--that regulations require to be there--committed another federal crime: alteration of federal documents, specifically USAF personnel records. This crime materially altered official USAF documents and the USAF must investigate this also and prosecute any wrongdoing. They must also restore the real order to the personnel file or explain its absence.
(The removal of this and other documents from the file will be discussed later in this report.)
George Bush knows for sure whether this is his real suspension order or not, how could he not? Col Killian read the order to him ("...Verbal orders from the commander....") and discussed it with him. George Bush signed the personnel copy, or a separate receipt document, and received a copy of Killian's original order. He knows what the real order said and looked like. There's no believable scenario in which he doesn't know what the real order said and looked like. Therefore he would know the minute he looked at it whether it was real or not. And if he somehow didn't, he could call Bobby Hodges or Rufus Martin--they saw the real one too, according to the confirmation document they both signed.
Why then did none of these men look at the CBS documents and pronounce them real or false? All three of them said they "didn't remember seeing them before" which is an unbelievable response for someone looking at documents that he knew or suspected to be forged, especially in George Bush's case, when the documents are about events in his own life that did happen and that he would have seen the orders for. Someone who thought they were forged would have demanded an investigation immediately, especially in the middle of a close fought presidential election.
These documents show proof of crimes committed and give a narrative of the Bush suspension process never given before, by his immediate commander. The evidence is extensive and damning that they are real, and that there has been a decades-long coverup of the activity they describe. That is why Mr Bill Burkett gave them to CBS--to incriminate the people involved. One would think that George Bush, the other USAF officers named and the USAF itself would have demanded an official USAF investigation of these papers to clear their names but so far none of them have nor have any of the officers ever effectively denied that the papers are real, as George Bush himself has never denied the papers are real. He also did not deny that he had been ordered to take his physical when asked directly. He must have remembered whether he was ordered to or not--why would he not answer--if the answer was no?
Lechliter's Report
In February 2004, the NY Times published an authoritative, well documented report by Lt Col Gerald Lechleiter, (ret) <"http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/opinion/lechliter.pdf"> alleging that:
"...The following analysis of President Bush's ("Bush") military records and the controlling legal authorities shows the following beyond any reasonable doubt:
>The pay records released by the White House this past winter prove:
Bush received unauthorized, i.e., fraudulent, payments for inactive duty training, even if he did show up for duty.
>The memorandum from Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Albert C. Lloyd, who affirmed for the White House that Bush met his retention/retirement year point requirement, is an obfuscation, or outright deception, that disregarded Bush's failure to meet the statutory and regulatory fiscal year satisfactory participation requirement.
> Bush's superiors in the Texas Air National Guard failed to take required regulatory actions when Bushed missed required training and failed to take his flight physical.
>Despite seemingly laudatory comments, Bush's May 1972 officer performance report was a clear and unmistakable indication that his performance had declined from the annual 1971 report. The report was the kiss of death before he left for Alabama that year.
>Bush did not meet the requirements for satisfactory
participation from 1972 to 1973..."
This report, written before the emergence of the CBS papers, details the specifics of the falsification of George Bush's military documents. It makes many specific charges: charges that have never been addressed or in any way resolved by George Bush or the USAF although the most serious charges are leveled: fraud, falsification of documents, dereliction of duty, conspiracy.
Lechliter charges in no uncertain terms that George Bush's superiors falsified Bush's documents. He charges in no uncertain terms that George Bush was paid and discharged fraudulently. He charges in no uncertain terms that the explanations for Bush's records are "...obfuscation or outright deception..." He charges in no uncertain terms that Bush did not meet the requirements for satisfactory participation.
He states: "...[Bush's commander's connivance at ensuring
Bush paid no penalty for his flagrant violation of regulatory
requirements for attendance at training and taking a flight physical
in no way excuse Bush's disgraceful, selfish behavior..."
These are incredibly serious, authoritative charges that have been leveled at Bush, the TXANG and the whole USAF. George Bush and the USAF completely ignored these charges, although if they are untrue, then Lechliter committed certain libel by alleging that crimes were committed on Bush's behalf and that his superiors were derelict in their duties. There has been no answer to these charges at all--instead, the Bush administration wants to take the attitude of "Boys Will Be Boys" concerning this matter--but boys can't be boys if it means breaking federal and military law as is evident here.
This document is included in this report because it details specifics of the fraud, showing the exact [but not all] of the falsifications to which this report alludes. These charges have been verified as accurate by the author of this report and the charges are reiterated here.
Bill Burkett Either Gave CBS Forged Federal Documents or Stolen Ones
From the very beginning, the source of these documents--Bill Burkett--has never, to public knowledge, been investigated. This is again truly amazing that evidently the USAF, nor any other federal agency, has bothered to put Mr Burkett under oath to determine where he got these documents and if there were any more. This should have been the very first course as soon as these documents came under scrutiny.
Mr Burkett is in a truly unenviable legal position--he either passed forged USAF documents if they are forged or stolen federal documents if they are real. There is no other way of looking at it and the USAF knows it too. And they have not investigated or prosecuted Mr Burkett in any way.
If the papers are forged, then Mr Burkett passed forged USAF documents. But if the papers are real, where did they come from?
Mr Burkett has said that a "Lucy Ramirez" gave them to him at a gun show but this is in contradiction to previous statements made by him under oath. According to his own testimony, Mr Burkett most probably got these papers right from TXANG headquarters.
Previous testimony from Mr Burkett as reproduced and summarized on this website: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2004_02/003280.php
* He accidentally overheard a telephone conversation in 1997 between Joe Allbaugh, Bush's chief of staff, and General Daniel James, Adjutant General of the Texas National Guard. Allbaugh told James that Karen Hughes was preparing a biography and needed information on Bush's military service, and then added, "We certainly don't want anything that is embarrassing in there."
* The next day he heard a similar hallway conversation. General James told General John Scribner that Bush's people were coming out, and General Wayne Marty added, "and make sure there's nothing in there that'll embarrass the governor."
* Ten days later, Burkett's friend and fellow guardsman, George Conn, led him to the base museum, which was run by General Scribner. Once there, Burkett saw a trashcan sitting on a table, and when he looked in he saw 20 to 40 pages of documents with George Bush's name on them.
* At the time all this happened he mentioned his concerns to three fellow guardsmen: George Conn, Harvey Gough, and Dennis Adams.
According to this account Mr Burkett and Mr Conn stood in a museum looking at a wastebasket full of incriminating documents about George Bush. They knew for sure that they were incriminating because Burkett, according to this report had heard a conversation where officials were talking about cleansing these files and because they were ANG officers i.e: they knew what the papers meant. Conn wouldn't have led Burkett to a wastebasket full of laundry lists and meal rosters.
This is most probably where the CBS papers came from: Burkett and/or Conn took them out of the wastebasket. It is certainly the most obvious and likely scenario. He or they may have made copies and put the originals back in the wastebasket--but this is still a crime. Removing federal documents from federal wastebaskets and using them--or copies made of them or information derived from them-- for private use is a federal crime. No one should know this better than the USAF.
In any event, Burkett DID give copies of these federal documents to CBS--this itself is a crime. He either gave CBS copies of forged federal, military documents, if forged, or stolen ones if real, there is no 3d choice. George Bush, his administration and the USAF know this too.
Mr Burkett should therefore have been interviewed by the USAF OSI and IG last September when the papers emerged and compelled under oath to tell the true circumstances about where he got them from and if there was more--note the reference to "20 to 40" pages whereas only seven documents have emerged so far. To the best of public knowledge this was never done.
It passes belief that the USAF was so derelict in its duties to maintain the integrity of its own documents as not even to interview MR Burkett as to the source of these documents but the fact clearly remains that they didn't.
It is important to note here that they obviously would if they suspected these documents to be false--or were extremely derelict in their duty if they didn't. The USAF would not have let this go by if they truly suspected these documents to be forged--George Bush wouldn't have let them. And he knows for sure.
If there is one man in the whole world who knows whether these documents are real it has to be George W Bush. And he has never denied it, nor have his aides.
The CBS papers are federal documents, there is no other rational interpretation. They purport to be official USAF (ANG) orders and communications and as such fall under the jurisdiction of the USAF and its agencies. The USAF, in conjunction with other military services, has extensive facilities and departments tasked with the one purpose of investigation and prosecution of allegedly forged federal documents but have not elected to use these resources, preferring to pass this duty to "bloggers.".
The federal government, therefore, is required to prove or disprove them as forgeries because it is the duty of the federal government to maintain the integrity of its documents, whether they are alleged to be forged or not.
The federal government has evaded their duty to do this since these papers emerged by hiding behind the falsehood that they are somehow "private documents of Col Killian" as if Killian was writing official orders and communications to himself and keeping them in a private journal.
The notion that Killian was writing these documents to himself is specious and ridiculous. They reference known events in the career of George Bush that his records should acknowledge but suspiciously do not. If these orders are false, then the real ones should be in Bush's records but are not. Col Killian's original suspension order to Bush and his superiors is missing from Bush's files as is his signed acknowledgement that should by regulations be in his personnel file. If he was ordered to take his physical, that order is missing from his file also.
These omissions are not accidental or negligent. The CBS papers purport to be those records and to date they have not been officially disproven, nor have George Bush or his superiors still living denied that the CBS papers are the missing documents. Incredibly, the person most libeled by these papers if they are false, who is also the most powerful man in the world, with all the investigative agencies of the federal government under his command, does not want this matter investigated, does not want to know where the documents came from nor if there are any more. He knows right now whether they're and has since they emerged.
Until Bush and his superiors deny that these are real and until the USAF decides to do its duty and investigate them as the forgeries that George Bush's followers declare they are but don't want to prove officially, they should be considered as real--and the crimes that they reveal also. George W Bush and his superiors committed crimes against the USAF and the American public--and the USAF wants to see that they get away with it.
This evasion of duty on the part of the USAF and the federal government is reprehensible and despicable--many people lost their jobs and careers over this while the USAF had the wherewithal and the duty to resolve this officially but shirked their duty to do so. Their embracing of the false "private papers" notion is clearly designed to evade their duty of investigating the CBS papers and prosecuting any wrongdoing they reveal.
The federal government and its agencies must be forced to do their duty of investigating these federal military documents that are alleged to be forged, revealing to the American people the truth about them and prosecuting any wrongdoing that may be revealed. It is their duty, it is their mission and it is the law!