Gay Democrats ask for marital history of GOP legislators
I live in Indy, and this is the first time I think I've been culturally proud about it. We have a fairly large, diverse and thriving gay community here, despite the incredibly conservative nature of most the residents, and believe it or not, there's alot of angry people. Of course, my view is biased because I'm mainly surrounded by gay and gay-friendly folk, but this could very well be a time in our lives that plays a huge part in history and I think people (even conservatives) are realizing they don't want to be on the wrong side of history on this one. Nobody likes a loser.
I don't necessarily think this is the best tactic to fighting this issue.. but it is fighting it nonetheless so I support it fully.
One thing that stands out in my mind about this whole issue, is that striking down a proposed amendment banning gay marriage will not even be a victory for gay rights, but just not losing the possibility for future rights. Sad, sad, sad.
I also must admit some ambivilance to this issue until recently. One aspect that BushCo didn't factor in is that this was not particularly a wide scale issue.. until now. They did not factor in people like me who are straight and not particularly worried about this issue but now will fight with every ounce of energy I have to make sure this doesn't happen... they may have energized their base (who was gonna vote for them anyway), but they energized people like me too. You simply cannot write hate into the Constitution.
An inside joke to my gay friends these past couple days has been "see.. even my divorce was more beautiful than your love and devotion to eachother!"