For a few years in the mid-1990s, I lived in a town in the middle of the American Red Sea, right on the crack in the U.S. map. Once, while talking with a co-worker--who I had always thought was a rational, sensible person--President Clinton's name came up. My co-worker turned to me, a strange look of alarm on her face, and said:
"He's a murderer, you know."
Yes, she was talking about Vince Foster ...
This Guckert/Gannon Santorum is all very tawdry, and pointless, and--yes--mean-spirited, too. But, let us bask in the glory of revenge! Recall, if you will, all of the SCANDALS!! fostered by the same people who now denounce any attack on the administration as TREASON!! Somewhere, Vince Foster is smirking, and so is Ron Brown.
If it's any consolation, there is probably a case to be made that all these freepers are doing serious damage to their brains by blocking out memories of the Clinton "Scandals" they helped perpetuate, while denying the validity of any of the current Bush scandals.
Off the top of my head, here's a list of baseless, conspiracy theories that have been propped up by evil liberal bloggers:
**Torture at Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo
**Plame leak/Treason
**Armstrong Williams, et al
**Harken Insider trading
**Medicare bill cost estimate
**Arsenic in drinking water
**The Energy Bill
**Al Qaqaa
**Support for Musharraf/A.Q. Kahn
**Halliburton/Iraq/Iran/asbestos TORT limits
**Florida 2000/Ohio 2004
oh, there's too many. Those crazy liberals will just make up anything to throw mud at our dear leader ...
For a nice compare/contrast, see the poll: