Israel can continue its military bombing and thrust into Lebanon all it wants. Hezbollah has already won this conflict. No matter how many of the Hezbollah militia the Israelis kill, no matter how much infrastructure they destroy, Hezbollah is already victorious.
Sherman set Mr. Peabody's WayBack Machine to just a month ago. Hezbollah was being marginalized in Lebanon. The Lebanese were taking their county back. Notice in the pictures from Beirut among the destruction, all the construction crane towers in the background. This was a country on the rebound. The story of all manner of nationalities fleeing the destruction bears witness to the fact that people had return to Lebanon. No amount of assassination or political maneuvering could stop the erosion of Hezbollah's power. Their primary support, Syria, had read the signs in the political tea leaves and began withdrawing its troops.
The age-old rivalry between Arabs and Persians, between Sunnis and Shiites was rising. Reinvigorated, no doubt, by the change in the political landscape in Iraq. The Necons naive theory to introduce democracy which would affect the whole of the Middle East is a complete failure; however what the Necons did accomplish in Iraq will changed the Middle East forever. In Iraq, we have democracy run amuck: anarchy and civil war.
The peace in the Lebanon was undermining the Shiites long term plan, but then Israel is sucker punched and we are where we are now. Arab nations have come out in support of a group they know as their greater enemy. Tada! Hezbollah wins. They're back, baby, Oh! They're so back.
Bush needs to call in the A-Team. The President needs to call in his father and his father's new best friend to head up another rescue team. The disaster this time is the President's own foreign policy.
I don't know which is worse: come this November, Bush keeps his Republican majority in Congress and ineptly leads the world while it descendent into anarchy for lack of leadership in the most powerful country on earth or the Democrats win a majority in one house and the next two years are spent in controversy over investigations, charges, and legal proceedings and the world goes to hell all on its own.
Some choice.