Maybe it means something, maybe it means nothing, what the hell do I know? In the absence of any other Oklahoma polling that I can find, here are the results of the Tulsa County Democratic Party straw poll.
This poll was conducted at the
TCDP booth at the Tulsa State Fair in late September to early October. Why it's just now getting noticed I have no idea. I just found the results myself. 541 people were surveyed. No mention is made of who was asked to participate (anyone, just Dems, etc.), how the question was asked, MoE, etc. Take with an appropriate dosage of salt.
Clark 162 30%
Dean 147 27%
Edwards 67 12%
Gephardt 57 10.5%
Lieberman 39 7%
Kucinich 26 5%
Kerry 17 3%
Graham 9 l.6%
Braun 9 1.6%
Sharpton 8 1.5%
29 ballots were for write-in candidates, such as Gore and HRC.