By Peter Fredson
March 3, 2006
The Bush cronies and sycophants have falsified the ports problem. For Bush this is part of his world domination strategy, in which globalization presents magnificent profits for billionaires and leaves bread crumbs for everyone else.
Bush never hesitates to outsource the genius, talent, energy, industry, and resources of his America, (which was presented to him lock, stock, and barrel by hanging chads and a partisan Supreme Court) when he sniffs a goodly profit ahead for his corporate cronies.
The billions of dollars hanging on a deal with the Arab Emirates is only a small part of the manipulations of crony capitalists and plutocrats. They prefer secrecy, deceit, lies, dirty tricks, midnight sessions, arrogant bull-dozing and deliberate misinformation to secure the resources, energy, and "captive" labor necessary to ensnare the world.
The problem is not security, nor the Arab Emirates. The problem is Bush and his neoconservative fundamentalist supporters. The problem is the billions of dollars at stake and who secretly gets them. The problem is why in Hell Americans can no longer run their own industries, manage their own ports.
Americans can perfectly manage any industrial enterprise. We have the know-how, the energy, the genius, to tackle any problem with moving heavy cargo from one place to another, by any means possible.
For several hundred years we have built ports, managed ports, and succeeded in great international tasks by mutual agreements with labor and capitol. We built great factories and mills, great transportation systems, and a great democracy based on a great constitution, sound economic system, separation of church and state, separation of state powers for checks and balances, etc.
Americans should be managing, controlling, and working our own nation, not foreigners. American dock, crane and tug-boat operators should be working, securing, and managing our own ports. They can certainly cooperate with other nations, but only we can secure our own ports. Why in Hell is this not the case? If Bush has smashed our ability to do the work of our nation, then he should be impeached. And anyone who has helped him to outsource our nation should be locked up.
But the Bush neocons came along with deceit and fraud to take control of our democracy and immediately twist it by "faith" and bulldozing legislation into a semi-fascist theocracy. They turned congress into an appendage of the Executive Branch, with imperial arrogance as their hallmark, showing disdain for any sort of civil debate or criticism.
They subverted the Judicial system by imperial appointments, executive privilege, secrecy, dirty tricks, and turned it into a species of fundamentalist Biblical Inquisition, in which Bible quotations became legislation and the constitution was attacked in order to make it conform to Christian pretensions against all logical or practical order.
At this moment our Supreme Court has lost all credibility and has become a partisan implement for the Bush administration. From this moment on all Americans are warned that our court system has been taken over by neocon ideology.
Religious absolutism joined with fascist political order based on the systems evolved by Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Francisco Franco. America now looks more like the Spanish Phalange every day.
Our professional diplomats became Bush toadies. Bush disdained diplomacy but seems to govern by reliance on the Supreme Creator of the Universe who tells him when to invade sovereign countries, and when to start the killing of religious opponents by lies, misinformation, stealth, preemption, and nuclear bullying.
Bush chose people for his cabinet that reflected his lust for power. Anyone who would choose John Bolton, against advice from his own tightly controlled Congress, to be Ambassador to the United Nations which he would sooner destroy than to serve, is a scoundrel. Anyone who would choose sycophants as his Attorney General, to further his imperial ambitions, is indeed a scam artist.
The problem is not with security, not with Arabs. It is with Bush. Ask our unemployed steel workers, our cotton mill workers, any large industrial firms that now lie empty. Bush sold our country to his neocon capitalist plutocrats and gave our workers minimum wages to serve French fries and hamburgers. He allows illegal immigrants purposely to fight for less than minimum wages and make huge profits for his corporate cronies.
Bush planned to make labor subservient to his demands for control. Labor must kneel to him and lick his boots. Basically, Bush has outsourced our country, our constitution, our laws, our resources, at the same time giving us the largest deficit in history, although he posts huge signs around him proclaiming Victory in a war he created by lies, while creating innumerable sources of terror.
The problem is not with security or with terrorism. It is with Bush and his cohorts. It is not Osama that is the chief protagonist for terror in the world today. Bush stopped looking for him years ago, but still recited his name as a pretense to stay in office. It is Bush and his co-conspirators that want to dominate the world, not Osama, not Saddam.
It is with his Republican Senators that turned a blind eye to the manipulations and imperial pretensions of Bush. It is only as elections will be coming up soon, that some Republican politicians have begun to suspect that Bush is incompetent, petulant, carefree, and is staying a failed course. Now they want to get some rhetorical objections on the record, so that they will claim to have done something to stop the Bush assault on our Constitution, on the Separation of Church and State, and on outsourcing our country.
We hope that at election time voters will remember who spat on our Constitution, lied to start an endless war, created innumerable sources of terror, strummed a guitar while people died for his carelessness, and tried to give our country to the fundamentalists and neocons.