I am really steamed at Truthout for their May 13th article written by Jason Leopold. As you all know, if we lived in Leopold's version of reality Rove would already be indicted. Leopold stated that Rove had "24 hours" to put his affairs in order. Here we are 10 days later and we have heard nothing more from Leopold or Truthout. There have been no explanations whatsoever, and we should start demanding some answers.
So now I think if Truthout wants to keep a modicum of believeability they should issue a retraction. Then, Leopold should reveal who his sources were or resign. He has zero credibility left. I mean, he basically pulled a Judy Miller here, ala the WMD's in Iraq. If we want to be consistent, then reporters that fabricate stories should not have jobs.
More than anything else I am just really pissed at Leopold and Truthout for getting my hopes up. I swear, I called up my brother who lives in a different state to celebrate when I read that. Now I look like a tin-foil hat wearing loon.
If this whole situation makes you mad too, write a letter to the editor at truthout demanding some answers.
Here his email address his name is Scott Galindez: editor@truthout.org